the parting part 1

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'Dementia. Is that why he always looked so tired? Lack of sleep would explain his paleness and weak body. Emotional control, and agitation. Depression, hallucinations, and delusions. Plus, his body looks so weak, it feels like he would just break from a slight touch. ', Alberu let out a sigh as he closed his laptop.

Alberu's head was a mess right now. Every time he closed his eyes, Cale's pale image came to his mind. Alberu wanted to help Cale but he couldn't figure out how.

'That nurse, choi han did say Cale had a weak constitution ever since he was a kid. He would visit hospital quite often as a kid. Haaaa I can't stop thinking about worst scenarios.'

Alberu, then tried to force himself to stop his overthinking and dragged himself to the bathroom to freshen up. He had to go meet Cale today so he wanted to at least look fresh.

Alberu brushed his teeth, took a quick shower, dressed up and headed out. On his way to hospital, he bought some fruits he thought Cale might like.

'What is this Déjà vu...' Alberu thought as he yet again stood in front of Cale's hospital room taking deep breaths.

knock knock

Alberu knocked few times before opening the door. As he opened the door, the sight of a pale and skinny young man sitting on his bed greeted him. The greeting of such sight pained him but he tried as hard as he could to not show such emotions.

"Hyung? what are you doing here? How did you know?" Cale was surprised to see alberu. He really didn't remember what happened that night.

"Oh, that night on the beach you fainted so I took you to this hospital." Alberu explained himself as he sat down on the chair next to Cale's bed.

"I see. So, you know huh"

Alberu just nodded his head in response.

"Haa can't I just reverse time and be that Cinderella that you met for the first time again? The time you didn't know all this" Cale said in a regretful tone.

"Nope you can't and I won't let you. Now let's forget about that do you like fruits?" Alberu asked trying to change the topic.

"Well, I don't dislike them"

"That's good so what do you feel like eating? We have banana, apples, some grapes too" Alberu searched through the bag of fruits.

"Apple pie..."

"Apple... wait apple pie?"

"Yeah, I don't know. I am suddenly craving apple pie."

"Should I go out and buy you some?"

"No, it's alright. I will just eat the apples without the pie. Hehe" Cale let out a weak chuckle

"No, I will go get some" Alberu got up from his chair.

"Hyung it's alright. I was kidding"

"No Cale, listen to me" Alberu grabbed both of Cale's arm and pulled him closer. "Don't. Don't ever hesitate to tell me what you want. I will do it. Everything you want me to do. Even if you feel like going somewhere, just say the word."

"Hyung, then let me ask you. Is this pity? Now that you know my condition, is this your way of showing pity? If so then I don't need it. I've had enough of people showing me their pity. I never asked for this"

"No Cale. It's not pity."

"Then why?" Cale's voice trembled.

"Because when I saw you in that moonlit night, Cale Henituse I was mesmerized to the point I wanted to just capture every bit of you. So, this is a deal, I will make your wishes come true until you are satisfied and in exchange, Cale, will you be my muse?"

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