EXTRA CHAPTER: You finally found me

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My dear Cale,

How are you?

.... I know it's such a ridiculous question to ask... But I don't know how else to start this.

I wonder if you are in a good place now. Are you happy? Are you sad?

.... do you miss me?

Ugh! Now that I actually sit down and hold a pen to write this letter, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. So let me just get straight to what I actually wanted to say to you when I decided to write this letter.

First of all, thank you. Thank you for the letter you wrote for me. It must have been so difficult for you to write it. Thank you, thank you so much.

You'll be glad to know that I am back in the city and oh, I also did an exhibit. Everybody loved the picture in the gallery. You might have guessed already but it was the very first picture I took of you. I almost didn't want to let anyone else see it but showing the beautifulness of something to the world is a photographer's job, I guess and I don't regret doing that. I have decided to travel around Korea for a while.

A lot of stuff happened since that day. I thought I had prepared myself for anything that the future had in store for me ... for us


I didn't know losing you would hurt this much. Even though I knew we didn't have much time together... Even though I knew... I guess just because you know what's coming for you, it won't necessarily make things easier huh? It'd be a lie if I said I was okay, even now, I am not. The person that I held in my arms just yesterday is now, nothing but a memory. A memory that will forever be engraved in my heart and soul.

I spend most of my time thinking about you, it's especially worst when I have to travel to a place near the sea. Every time I pass by the beach, I always think of you


I miss you ...

I am sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise to you. I am sorry I couldn't do more for you and I am sorry I couldn't find you sooner.

Remember how you said in your letter about how you'd imagined things would have been like if we met under different circumstances, and guess what, there wasn't a day when I didn't think about it.

If we had met under a different circumstance, do you think we'd have been able to enjoy our time together a little longer than this?

If you were a healthy 20-year-old then, would we have been able to go on many more trips together?

I always imagined that, one day, you'll be alright and when you are finally out of the hospital, we would walk by the seashore with our hands intertwined, we'd go out to eat different kinds of food and drink all the soju we could. Somedays we'd stay up all night to have long conversations about silly little things and some nights we would just silently lay down besides each other under the starry sky, one day we would have our first fight and I would search for different ways to make up. Do you think.... do you think we would have been able to do all these things if things were a little different? I don't know but I do wonder what kind of face you'd make right now if you heard about all these scenarios I had in my head.

Cale you thanked me for saving you and also apologized for the all troubled you caused me when I couldn't even do anything at the end. I just stood on that beach crying helplessly as your body turned cold. It's me who want to apologize to you. I am sorry a thousand times over. you said I saved you that night on the beach, but I wonder who was it that was truly saved. Cale ... I never regrated meeting you, not even once that thought crossed my mind. So, Cale even if I had to do all those things all over again then I'd do it in a heartbeat. So, you don't ever have to be sorry about anything.

I realized we never really said those three words of affection to each other, did we? It's funny how there are so many ways to express your love to someone without putting them in words. Our time together may have been short but Cale just know that you meant the world to me.

So, let's forget about all these 'what could have beens' and think about 'what will be'

Cale, you promised to find me, didn't you?

So, I'll wait.

I'll wait for you and only you for as long as it takes.

So come find me my princess.

I'll be waiting for you, right here, FOREVER

                                                          ~the prince you met that night


The street which would have been bustling with crowd, was rather quiet and almost empty. Maybe because it was late at night. Although it was pretty late, the road wasn't dark at all, the full moon night lit the streets.

'I am glad its full moon, or I'd be pretty damn scared to walk on these alley ways alone. The overtime I have to do these days sucks'

As I walked down the road, I noticed there really were few people around. The night air also felt chilly.

'Guess a quiet street is also good for a change'

Every day working late in the office, and walking down the same road home had become my routine. Some days I would long to see the ocean at night but I never did actually go down there, I wonder why.

My mind was so occupied by all the stuff I needed to do tomorrow; I didn't even notice when I bumped into someone. I reflexively bowed down to apologize and turned around without even looking at the face of the person I had bumped into. Just when I was heading my way, I felt a hand grab my wrist. That touch of the hand felt so so familiar to me.

'Huh why am I?'

I felt something wet on my cheeks. When I touched it, I felt tears running down my face. I didn't know why I felt like this but my heart ached.

'Why... why does it hurt so much'

I turned around with my vision still blurry, to see the person who was now holding onto my hand.

I raised my head and saw a boy whose red hair fluttered with the gust of cold night wind. As I wiped the tears off my eyes, my vision started to clear and then I saw it, I saw a red-haired boy who stood there with a wide smile and teared up face that looked mesmerizing while being illuminated by the moonlight.

The boy slowly opened his mouth and with a quavering voice he said,

"I have finally found you my prince"

My eyes opened wide at those words, the tears that had already stopped, started flowing down again

'Why are those words said by a stranger, making me feeling this way'

I opened my mouth to respond, there was but one and only one thing that my heart had longed to screamed out

"You finally found me" 


so this marks the end of the boy under the moonlight. okay it might not have been exactly heart warming but.. ahem thanks for reading

it wasn't many chapters but it felt so long for me because i have never written a fic this long let alone an ansgt. but it made me really happy that you reader nims found this story good (❤'艸`❤)

again , thank you so much for reading (^◕.◕^)

i know many of you, reader nims may have found the EXTRA chapter ending pretty cliched but sometimes a good ol' cliché is just what the heart needs ('。_。`)

thank you for all your support for the story ~(>_<。)\

and finally my thanks to astrid for the beta reading, couldn't have done it without you.

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