the parting Part 4

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Beeeppppp [A/N: car's horn honk]

'hy.. Hyung?'

'i am ...glad you are okay' with his fading consciousness and blurry vision, he saw the red-haired man in front of him crying his name out

'don't .... don't cry ... Cale.... its al... right' Alberu tried to reach his hands out to wipe the tears off Cale's face but he couldn't reach him no matter how much he tried.


Sniff sniff

' Sobbing? Is someone crying? It sounds like a women's voice'

'Ugh it's so dark and my head hurts. What happened? I remember chasing after Cale and a car...'

"CALE" Alberu screamed as he sprung up from his bed.

"Ouch" he noticed he was in hospital bed with bandages around his head and ankle

"Where..." before he could figure out what was going on, a woman suddenly embraced him

"Aunt Tasha? What are you doing here? What happened?" Alberu asked when he saw his aunt burst into tears in front of him.

"I got a call from the hospital. They said you were in an accident so I came as fast as I could" Tasha explained the reason she was here as she slowly calmed herself down.

"Accident? Cale?? I mean there must have been a red-haired boy too? Where is he? Is he okay?" Alberu asked with haste.

"He is alright. He just fainted, luckily he was not hurt anywhere" the reply came from another woman who entered the room Alberu was kept in.

"Doctor Rosalyn" Tasha stood up as she greeted Rosalyn.

Rosalyn also greeted Tasha back. Rosalyn turned towards Alberu

"How could you be so reckless? You were lucky that the car turned before it hit you. And all you got was a sprained ankle and some minor injuries." Rosalyn said that in a scolding tone.

"How long was I unconscious for?" Alberu asked

"3 days"

"And Cale? Where is he now?"

'aigoo despite everything he went through, the first thing he does is ask about Cale? What am I going to do with these boys?'

She recalled how Cale was the same when he had woken up two days ago.

"He is fine. He should be resting in his room right now. He hadn't left your side for the past 3 days so I had to forcibly send him away"

"That's a relief. Do you think I can go meet him now?"

"haaa.. You really" before Rosalyn could even finish, she saw a man enter the room huffing and sobbing.

"HYUNG" he screamed as he ran towards Alberu

"I think we should leave them alone for now" Tasha gave Rosalyn a slight pat as they walked out of the room leaving them alone.

"I am sorry Hyung. I am so so sorry, because of me... you...." Cale could stop sobbing as he held Alberu's hands

"It's all right Cale. See I am just fine. And doctor Rosalyn said that this sprained ankle will heal in no time with a lot of rest. So, it's really alright and I am glad you didn't get hurt" Alberu gently stroked Cale's hair to let him know that he was fine. Alberu noticed just how much pale and weak Cale had gotten in the past 3 days that he didn't see him.

"But... but..."

"No buts" Alberu squeezed Cale's cheek and wiped his tears as he added "listen this was the choice I made and I'd do it all over again if I have to. So, you don't have to feel guilty for my selfishness."

Cale didn't say anything. He just gave Alberu a slight nodded after a little pause.

"So, once I get out of bed, let's go on a drive again." Alberu gave Cale a very refreshing smile so that Cale would stop blaming himself.  


"So, you are going back today, huh?" Alberu asked as he saw his aunt's packed luggage.

"Well, you seem to have healed and there are a lot of work I ditched to rush here you know."

"I am sorry about all the trouble aunt" Alberu said in a very apologetic voice

"Come on. Don't be. At least I got to see the reason you were so insistent on staying here" Tasha said in a teasing tone.

"Aha Haha" Alberu let out a nervous laugh as he avoided eye contact with Tasha

"Well, he is a good kid so take care of him" Tasha patted Alberu's shoulders and gave him a warm smile as she recalled the day when she came running to the hospital after hearing the news about Alberu.

A red-haired young man with such a delicate and weak looking body came to her as he apologized getting on his knees when he found out she was Alberu's aunt.

"I am sorry. I am so so sorry, because of me Hyung.. Hyung..."

The moment she saw the young man, she knew it was him. The person for whom Alberu decided to stay at this place for so long.

She watched him apologize with his head down, asking for her forgiveness.

"You must be Cale." Tasha said with a gentle voice as she patted Cale's shoulders, gesturing him to raise his head.

Cale faintly nodded while still keeping his head down.

"I am sorry." Cale apologized again

"It's alright my child. It's fine. The doctor also said that its just minor injuries and there is nothing to worry about. And I am really glad you are alright"
"But... He... Could have gotten seriously injured"

"But he didn't. I didn't raise such a weak child, you know?" Tasha said in a very cheerful tone as she added "so it's alright. I see you are very important to him... for him to do something like this. I am glad I, at least got to meet you."

Cale slowly raised his head to look at Tasha with his teary eyes.

"You finally looked at me." Tasha said as she embraced Cale in her arms

"I'll leave him in your care" Tasha wiped the tears on Cale's face

"It's more like he is the one who is taking so much care of me."

Tasha let out a chuckle as she remembered the time she spent talking with Cale while Alberu was still unconscious.

'He is such a lovely child yet so pitiful' Tasha was really saddened when she thought about Cale

"Will you be alright?" Tasha asked her nephew who was putting her luggage in the car

"Of course. I mean I am all healed up so no need for you to worry" Alberu reassured Tasha as he closed the car trunk.

'that's not what I meant' Tasha couldn't bring herself to ask him that.

"You take care now and call me often" Tasha gave Alberu a final hug as she entered her car

"I will"

"And take care of him too"

"I will aunt. Now you drive safe and call me when you get there"

"kay' see you and don't make rash moves on Cale or he will come to hate you"

"Auuunt~" Alberu shouted in a flustered voice.

"Hehe see you" Tasha let out a laugh as she headed off.

"geez" Alberu chuckled as he also headed towards the hospital to see Cale.

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