the parting Part 8

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A lot of people came that day, everywhere he looked, he saw people dressed in black, crying or having a sad face consoling the family members. All these were faces that Alberu never once saw when Cale was still in hospital. It was funny how people would suddenly care about someone when they are actually gone. He truly felt enraged by looking at this façade in front of him but he had no right to say anything. He didn't want to come here in the first place, but he only did it because doctor Rosalyn insisted. She said that Cale's father wanted to meet him.

Cale's father was the last person he wanted to meet, he doubted that he would be able to control his emotions, no, his rage if he saw Cale's father.

While he was still lost in his thoughts, a man in his late forties approached him.

"You must be Alberu Crossman-nim."


'Ah he must be Cale's father'

"You might have guessed but I am Cale's father, Deruth Henituse" Deruth extended his hand for a handshake

Alberu stared at Dereth's hand for a while. He did not want to shake Deruth's hands, he truly did not. So, he just slightly bowed as a greeting.

Deruth took back his hands and awkwardly smiled as he spoke "I heard you took really good care of my son"

'Your son huh...'

Alberu just stood there with his fist clenched as Deruth talked to him. Alberu didn't even hear anything. The only thing he heard was the 'Thank you for taking care of my son 'and silently watched Deruth walk away after saying everything he had to say.

Alberu prepared himself to leave after he looked at Cale who was dressed up and resting in his casket. For the last time, he gently stroked Cale's face and placed a kiss in his forehead

"Goodbye Cale" was all he could say. He held himself back from embracing Cale and crying his heart out.

Alberu walked out of room to leave when he was stopped mid-way by a voice that was quite familiar to him

"Choi Han?"

"Alberu-nim, are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I suddenly feel tired"

"I see"

"Did you need something from me?"

With a 'Oh' Choi Han took out what it looked like a piece of paper from the inner pocket of his coat and handed it to Alberu

Alberu stared at it for a while, when heard Choi Han speak

"It's a letter. Cale-nim asked me to give it to you when..." Choi Han shut up before even finishing what he was saying.

Alberu thanked him for it and headed out after waving Choi Han a good bye.


The day after the funeral, Alberu packed his luggage and headed out of the motel he had been staying in after handing the room keys to the old couple and thanking them for their hospitality. He looked out at the sea from the car's window as he drove past it. Going a little further, Alberu turned back his car and made a stop. He took off his shoes and walked bare foot on the sand and sat down by the sea shore where the water was barely touching his feet.

The warm afternoon breeze brushed past his face, Alberu then took out the letter, his hands trembling as he opened it. He was really scared of what this little piece of paper had in store for him. He took a deep breath and started reading it

Dear Alberu Hyung,

By the time you get this letter, I am sure I won't be in this world anymore.

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