the parting Part 7

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"Hey Cale wake up"

Alberu gently shook Cale to wake him up. It was currently 11:30 pm and the hospital was really quiet. Cale let out a Groan as he rubbed his eyes and got up


"let's go"

"Go? Go where?"

"The ocean"

With a 'oh' Cale looked at Alberu with his eyes wide open. Cale tried getting off the bed but was too weak so he kept losing his footing.

"Is it too difficult?" Alberu asked in a concerned voice

"No, I'll manage somehow"

Cale struggled with his footsteps, he tried and tried but his legs kept giving out. Cale, then felt an arm wrapping around in his waist as he was being picked up.

"Hyung?? I'll ... I'll be alright"

"Remember when you said that you thought I enjoyed doing this? I didn't say anything at that time but I truly do enjoy carrying you like this, my little princess" Alberu let out a chuckle as he walked out of the room.

"Geez" Cale covered his face with both of his hands so that Alberu wouldn't see his face that had turned red.

Luckily enough, the hallway was pretty much empty and they somehow managed to avoid the night guards before reaching the car that Alberu had parked in the hospital's parking lot.

Alberu seated Cale in his car, buckled up his seat belts and headed towards the driver's seat

"Shall we go then?"

"Yes" Cale responded as Alberu started the car and headed towards the beach.

During the drive Alberu took a peek at Cale from time to time who seemed to have closed his eyes.

'Did he fall asleep?' Alberu thought and touched Cale's hands which felt really cold

"Hey Cale?" Alberu called out as his trembling hands held Cale's.

After a long silence, Cale finally opened his mouth to respond to Alberu's call


Alberu internally sighed in relief and shook his head

"It's nothing. Do you feel sleepy?"

"Yes, I don't know why. These days I have been feeling so sleepy. And even when I wake up, there is always an excruciating pain throughout my whole body. It really is hitting me now that I really don't have much time left"

"Don't say that. We have plenty of time- oh look we can see the ocean" Alberu pointed towards the ocean that was closing in as they drove

"It looks pretty as always"

After a few minutes of drive, they finally reached the sea shore. Alberu unfastened his seat belts, looked at Cale and asked "Should we just stay in the car? It looks like it's really chilly outside"

"No, I want to go out. I won't feel alive until the cold ocean breeze hits my whole body"

Alberu contemplated for a moment before unfastening Cale's seat belt with a sigh.

Alberu reached his hands towards Cale to carry him but he was stopped mid-way.

Cale shook his head and said "I want a piggy back ride"

"Piggy.... piggy back ride?"

"uh-huh" Cale chuckled and nodded his head

"Yes, yes whatever you say princess"

Alberu bent down for Cale to climb on his back. Cale tightly grabbed alberu's shoulders as alberu started to walk towards the beach with Cale in his back.

As he walked in the cold sand, alberu heard humming in his ears.

"Are you that happy to be here?"

"I am" Cale said in a very low voice

As they walked, alberu could feel Cale's breathing become more and more faint.

"Are you alright Cale?"

"More than ever" it almost sounded like a whisper in alberu's ears

Alberu didn't say anything, they just walked and walked for a long while when alberu suddenly came to a halt when he heard what Cale had just asked in his weak voice

"Do... Do you regret it Hyung? Meeting me that night I mean"

Alberu could feel it, he could feel just how much weak Cale's voice had gotten. It even barely felt like he was breathing.

"Not at all" alberu responded without a hesitation

"I see. That's good... really good...."


"Cale?" clenching his eyes shut, alberu called out Cale's name, hoping ... hoping that a response would come but it didn't.

"Cale?" alberu's voice trembled when he called Cale again


Alberu finally took a breath and responded "yes Cale?"

"I... I feel so sleepy. Will it be alright if I close my eyes for a while?"

Alberu just stood there as his legs trembled, he could feel his eyes getting blurry as tears started flowing. He took a deep breath and finally responded "yes it's alright Cale, you can rest now"

"Will.... will you still be by my side when I wake up?"

"Yes, I will"

"Thank you... thank you Hyung... for everything. I ... I am glad I met you that night"

"Me too Cale, that was the luckiest encounter of my life" alberu sobbed, he couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears started flowing down his cheeks as he felt Cale getting colder and colder in his shoulders. In a wailing voice alberu added "so it's alright Cale, you can rest now"

"I... See. Thank you..."

Cale's weak voice disappeared with the sound of ocean waves. The only thing that could be heard in that empty beach in the silence of night was the cry of a man standing still on the sand carrying a weak and feeble boy whose body now felt cold and unmoving. 

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