---Love Song---

14 0 0

  *****Time Skip To Next Summer*****


Hadley's PoV

Today I have plans to go ice skating with Max and Harvey. My uncle is outside working on the big truck with my dad, Jackson (my cousin) and Kiara (my sister) are messing with the horses, and Kendall (my bonus mom) is putting my little brother to sleep for his nap. I just got out of the shower, and I'm fixing my hair. I hear my phone ring and see 'Harvey' on the screen. I put my phone on speaker so I can do my make-up while we talk.

Me- "Hello."

Harv- "Mum said we have to take Leo and Tilly with us today so she can clean the house (A/N: THEY DECIDED TO STAY IN AMERICA FOR A WHILE, IN CASE YOU DIDNT ALREADY GET THAT). Tilly can't skate yet, so we have to cancel that."

Me- "Ok."

Harv- "We could do something else. Is there a trampoline park around there?"

Me- "I think so."

Harv- "Ok, I'll talk to Max."

Me- "Sounds good, you can text me what he says."

Harv- "Tilly heard trampoline park, so she's already convinced Max to go."

Me- "That was fast!"

Harv- "She has a kind of power over him."

Me- "So it seems."

We laugh for a minute.

Me- "Kiara and Jackson came inside, I'll see if they wanna come."

Harv- "Ok, see you then. Bye."

I was really looking forward to skating, but it is what it is. I ask Kiara and Jackson if they wanna come, and we all go get in the car. I'm still 14, I don't even have permit yet, but my parents said that as long as I don't cause trouble, I can drive us there.


Tilly's PoV

We are at the trampoline place. I'm doing tricks with Kiara. Leo and Harvey are doing flips into the foam pit. Max and Hadley are eating. Jackson fell, so he went to rest for a bit. Eventually, Kiara and I go do flips with Harv and Leo. When Harvey gets tired he goes to the table with Hadley and Max.


Max's PoV

Jackson came over to Hadley saying he fell. She seems to get really overprotective, asking him loads of questions. But she is responsible for him and Kiara right now, so I understand what's going through her mind. Jackson said he was going to take a break, and Hadley calls someone. Based on the conversation, I'd say it was her uncle.

Hadley- "Hi, just wanted to let you know that Jackson fell and hit his head on the trampoline. He said he's fine, but he wanted to take a break."

Kase- "Thanks for letting me know. Can I talk to him?"

Jack- "Hello."

Kase- "How did you fall?"

Jack- "I was trying to do a flip, but I didn't land it."

Kase- "Ok, just be careful next time."

Jack- "Ok,"

Kase- "Ok, let me talk to Hadley."

Hadley- "I'm here."

Kase- " He said he's fine but let me know if he says anything else to you."

Hadley- "I will."

Kase- "Ok, bye."

Soon Harvey comes over and looks out of breath.

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