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*****Time Skip Four Years*****


Hadley's PoV

First week of summer!!! I finished college last week, so now I have a free week to hang with my friends. Harvey is taking me to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate my graduation. He's the best! Next week we will start packing up the house. We are moving to Nashville, Tennessee! I've always wanted to live there, and now I will! I'm soooo excited! We already have a place to stay once we get there. We will be in an apartment, but it will work for now. Harv and I will share an apartment, and Max will have his own. As far as I know, Tae will be coming with us and staying with Max. She has been over most of the time since the Jr American Rodeo to hang out with us, but Max recently asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes, of course, so now they're a thing. They can't decide if they like the name Tax for Mae, but at least the get a cute couple's name! Harvey and I don't. For us, no matter how we do it, it would be one of our names! Either Hadley or Harvey.


Harvey's PoV

I'm soo ready for tomorrow night. I'm taking Hadley out for dinner, and I have something really special planned. I really hope she says yes!!!!!

***Time Skip To Next Day***

It's about 4:00, and Hadley and I have started getting ready. I jump in the shower, and then dry my, once again, purple hair. Hadley's favorite color is purple, so that's the color I chose last time I dyed it. I get dressed and grab the ring. I stare at it for a bit before putting it in my pocket. I go downstairs and wait. Max walks in and sees how nervous I am, even though I'm trying to hide it. I already told him my plan, so he understands why I'm so nervous.

Max- "You good?"

Me- "I'm so scared she's gonna so no! I keep running through all the worst possible outcomes in my head."

Max- "You'll be fine. She loves you Harv. She's not gonna turn you down."

He walks off as I try to convince myself he's right. I'm so happy, yet so scared. I call Hadley down. She was wearing a flowing dress, and her make-up was done with a natural look. She's looks stunning.


Hadley's PoV

We get in the car and go to the restaurant. Once we get there we order, obviously, and talk until our food comes out.

Me- "This is amazing! Thanks for bringing me."

Harv- "Of course. I know family isn't here in Arizona. And you deserve this."

Me- "Thanks."

***Time Skip To After We Eat***

We ordered dessert and it just came out. We start eating, but then I get up to go to the bathroom.


Harvey's PoV

She just left. Now I can get myself ready. I pull the ring out and place it on my lap. Soon after she walks back. I'm so nervous! She sits down and resumes eating. I start talking to calm my nerves.

Me- "So...We've been dating for a few years now, and I don't think it's right anymore."

Hadley- "What?"

Me- "Hadley, you mean the world to me. I wanna protect you and care for you for the rest of my life."

I get on one knee as her eyes start tearing up.

Me- "Will you marry me?"

Hadley- "Yes!"

She jumps on me and wraps his arms around my neck. I'm so happy!

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