---Max & Tae: Will It Be Mae---

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*****Time Skip One Year*****


Teighlynn's PoV

We just got back from touring England. On the last day of tour Max proposed to me. It was the greatest day of my life. We had such an amazing time on tour, but I like being back home in Manchester. It's past 10 pm and I'm soo glad to be sleeping in my own bed again!


Aiden's PoV

***Time Skip To Next Day***

My fifth birthday is in 2 weeks! CJ is helping me make my wish list. McKenna is in her room drawing. Mommy is making dinner, and Daddy is watching TV.

Me- "Ooo, look at that!"

I point at the toy cars on the front of a magazine laying on the table in front of us.

CJ- "Those are remote control cars; you aren't old enough for that yet."

Me- "But I'm almost 5!"

CJ- "That's not old enough, you need to be at least 8. Especially with how rough you are on toys. You'll break it."

I run to my room screaming!


Max's PoV

Tae and I are on our way to Hadley and Harvey's for dinner. Tae has been leaning against the window the whole drive.

Me- "Are you ok?"

Tae- "I'm fine."

Me- "That's never the truth when it comes from a girl."

Tae- "I'm fine. I'll talk to you about it later."

Me- "Why can't you tell me right now? No one else is even here, we're in the car."

Tae- "I'm talking to Hadley first."

We pull In at Harvey's and go inside. Tae quickly pulls Hadley into the bedroom.


Hadley's PoV

Tae just pulled me into my bedroom and started whispering to me.

Tae- "I've felt nauseous the past few days being on tour."

Me- "Why didn't you ever say anything."

Tae- "I haven't told Max yet. I think I'm...."

Me- "Oh my God!"

I had a pregnancy test in my bathroom from before Aiden was born, so I go grab it and hand it to Tae.

***Time Skip A Few Minutes***

Tae opens the bathroom door.

Tae- "Positive—"


Teighlynn's PoV

I can't tell Max. Not yet. I need to, but I can't. How would I even do it? What would he say? There are so many things running through my mind right now. What do I tell him? I already said I would talk to him later, but what do I say? I'll figure it out.

***Time Skip To Driving Home***

We got in the car and started driving home. Immediately after we left Max asked me what was wrong.

Max- "Ok. You've told Hadley, now you have to tell me."

Me- "It's just girl problems. Period cramps, and stuff like that."

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