---Back To England---

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*****Time Skip Three Years*****


Harvey's PoV

Today Hadley and I took CJ and McKenna to a trampoline park. Aiden stayed with Max and Tae. The girls: Hadley, CJ, and Kenna, seem to be having fun. I'm about to leave to go pick up food. As I get in the car, I get a call from my mum.

Me- "Hello?"

Mum- "Hi. The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital called earlier wanting to know if you and Max would be able to come and help raise money."

Me- "They do know that half of all the money made from the merch store goes to them, right?"

Mum- "Yes, but they had other ideas."

Me- "Like what?"

Mum- "Maybe the two of you could do a concert or something like that."

Me- "How? We don't live in Berkshire anymore. We live in the states."

Mum- "You would have to come here."

Me- "I'll talk to Max. "

I know the hospital has good intentions, but it's kind of annoying that they would just expect us to be OK leaving our home. I get the food, pick the girls up, and we head home.


Collyn Jane's PoV

We are driving to go pick up baby Aiden. Dad started talking about a hospital. Both Kenna and I had our headphones on, but I paused my music so I could listen to the conversation.

Dad- "My mum called me earlier saying that the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital wanted Max and I to go there and do a concert to raise money."

Mom- "What did you say?"

Dad- "I told her that I wanted to talk to Max first. We both have lives here in Nashville, but the hospital just expects us to get up and leave."

Mom- "Well, you know they have good intentions."

Dad- "Yes, but it's not that easy. There are other things going on right now."

Mom- "Talk to Max and get his opinion on the situation. Then we will all make a decision together. If we end up going to England for a while, so be it. Ya'll have always helped this hospital. You can't just walk away now."



Hadley's PoV

We arrived at Max's to pick up Aiden. Harv and I talk to Max about moving.

Harv- "So...Mum called me earlier and said that the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital wanted us to go there and do a concert to raise money."

Max- "But we don't live in Berkshire anymore. How would we even do that?"

Me- "We would have to go to England."

Max is just silent. It's gonna take time for us to make a decision.

***Time Skip 1 Week***


Collyn Jane's PoV

McKenna and I are in our rooms doing schoolwork, as we are homeschooled. Mom is in the living room putting Aiden down for a nap. Dad just brought us lunch and then went back to the studio. I keep hearing everyone talking about moving, but I've lived here for almost 5 years. This is my home. I don't want to go to England. I know that we have family there, but I don't care. This is where I belong. I can't concentrate on my work when this is all I can think about! Why do we even need to think about this? Why is it an option? I walk out of my room and into the living room to where mom is.

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