---It's All Over---

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*****Time Skip Three Years*****


Collyn Jane's PoV

Kenna and I just turned 19 and are packing for college. I'm going to college on a sports scholarship from football (soccer for the American peeps), but I will be studying literature to become an author. McKenna is going to school to become an artist. Mom was kinda bummed that neither of us wanted a career in the music industry like her or Dad, but there's always hope for Aiden.


McKenna's PoV

I can't wait to get out of this house!! Dad's been so upset lately and he's very cranky about it sometimes. Not trying to be rude, but it gets annoying. Very annoying. CJ and I are leaving next week for college, so I won't have to deal with it much longer. Aiden hates us for leaving him, but he can't come with us. He's only 7 and it gets hard seeing him cry as he watches us pack.


Hadley's PoV

Max and Teighlynn are over today. Tae and I are talking while the girl's pack, and Aiden plays with Abcde and Quinton (Max and Tae's 3-year-old twins that were born just after the last book). Max and Harvey are working on a new song, and I suddenly hear Harv scream in frustration.

Me: "I'm gonna go see what happened."

Tae: "That's probably a good idea."

I walk to the music room to find Harvey screaming and kicking the wall, with Max swearing and throwing the clipboard around.

Me: "What the hell is going on in here?!"

Harvey jumps, startled, as he didn't see me standing in the doorway.

Harvey: "Damn writers block!"

Me: "Ok, calm down. Ya'll are acting like children." I say sternly.

Max: "Sorry."


Max's PoV

Soon after Hadley came in getting mad at us, Tae and I decided to leave and go get dinner. Abcde and Quinton were also complaining that they were hungry. Harvey and I haven't had writer's block in soo long, I can't believe we're getting it now! We can't think of anything to write about in our songs, and the few times we can think of something we can't agree on it. So either way we fail!


Harvey's PoV

It's 1 am. Kenna, CJ, and Aiden are all asleep. Hadley and I are in bed watching TV...Well not really. I can't stop thinking about the writer's block and unfinished songs, and Hadley is humming French songs, trying to fall asleep. She's always loved listening to music in other languages. Usually I listen to her humming and fall asleep too, but not tonight. I sit up and Hadley opens her eyes to look at me.


Hadley's PoV

I look up at Harvey to see his eyes full of tears. I haven't seen him cry in quite a while, and it's weird. I'm not used to it.

Harv: "I can't keep forcing myself to think of song lyrics. "

Me: "Forcing yourself?"

Harv: "Neither Max nor I can come up with anything, and I won't let it leave my mind until we do."

Me: " Don't force anything upon yourself, Harv."

Harv: "I can't help it! We need new song ideas; we keep writing about the same things."

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