---Waiting On A Miracle---

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*****Time Skip A Few Years*****


Hadley's PoV

Harv and I just bought a house not far from the apartment we are currently in. I have started packing up everything here so we can take it over to the new house when Max and Harvey get home from the studio. We've already taken over a lot, but there is still furniture left to move. I'm taking books off of the shelf and putting them in a box when I pull out my old songbook along with several other things. I open it up and see all the songs I thought weren't good enough to release. I read through some of them and stop on 'Waiting On A Miracle'. Without realizing it, I start singing.

                                                                          I'm waiting on a miracle,

                                                                              Waiting on a miracle.

                                                           I don't want something from this world


                                                                              I'm waiting on a miracle.

While I had been singing, Harv had walked in. He was standing in the hallway waiting for me to notice him. I look up, startled, as I didn't know he was there.


Harvey's PoV

When I walked inside I heard Hadley singing. It must be a new song. I've never heard it before. I stand in the corridor just outside the room she was in. Once she stops singing, she realizes I am here. She jumps at first when she sees me, but then we both laugh.

Me- "Is that a new song?"

Hadley- "No, it's actually an old song. I wrote it before I met you."

Me- "What's it about?"

Hadley- "When I found out my grandpa had cancer."

Me- "Oh. Didn't mean to bring that up."

Hadley- "It's fine."

It gets quiet for a second, but then I get a call. I answer and walk into the living room.

Me- "Hello?"

???- "Hi, this is Jamie, the CPS worker you met a few days ago. McKenna and Collyn are ready for you. I will be by to drop them off in a few hours."

***Time Skip To After Call***

Hadley- "What was that about?"

Me- "We've passed all the tests and inspections!!!"

Hadley- "Were getting the girls?"

Me- "Yep!"


Hadley's PoV

***Time Skip To After The Girls Arrive***

For the most part everything is set up in the house. We have beds to sleep in and Max hooked up the TV in the living room. McKenna and Collyn are still nervous, but we are all doing our best to help them out. McKenna was diagnosed with brain cancer when she was 9. She is 12 now and most of the cancer has been killed from the chemo. The girls are twins, and we didn't want them to be separated, so we adopted them both. If we didn't there's no telling if they would have stayed together or not. Collyn Jane is very smart, but also loves playing sports. McKenna is super creative and loves to paint and read. These two are completely different people, but they have an amazingly tight bond with one another.

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