---Finally Together---

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*****Time Skip One Year*****


Hadley's PoV

I'm so nervous! I applied to a few different music colleges, but I really only want to go to CRAS. It's one of the top-rated music colleges in America, and the graduates there have gone on to make and produce music for top name artists like Imagine Dragons, Kelly Clarkson, Adele, and Alicia Keys. My letter is finally here and I'm excited to see if I got in whether or not I got in. I open the letter and confetti falls out.

Me- "I got in!!!!"

Max- "I guess we're going to Arizona."

Everyone claps and congratulates me.

***Time Skip To When We Arrive In Arizona***

We are moving stuff into our house. The place we are renting is in walking distance from school. The twins are with me, so I'm not alone in a new state. We each set up our own rooms. While I set up and organize the kitchen, Max sets up the TV in the living room. Harv left to go get us dinner. School starts in about 6 weeks, so until then I will just be getting used to living here with the twins. Back in Texas, I was at their house a lot, and even stayed the night a few times. So it shouldn't be hard to adjust.

***Time Skip 2 Weeks***


Max's PoV

It's almost 11:00 at night. Hadley is asleep, and Harv and I are talking.

Me- "Why don't you just tell her you like her?"

Harv- "I feel like it would bring up memories of Tyler."

Me- "You helped her one time; you can do it again."

Harvey just looks down and starts playing with his phone charger.

Me- "I'm sure she knows how you feel, and I think she feels the same."

Harv- "How do you know that?"

Me- "I've seen how you two look at each other."

Harv- "Can you tell her? I don't want to be the one that causes something bad."

Me- "I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Harv- "Ok."

***Time Skip To Next Day***


Hadley's PoV

I'm in my room working on lyrics to a new song. My door is open, but I don't realize it. I hear a knock and look up to see Max standing in the doorway.

Max- "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Me- "Sure. What about?"

Max- "Harvey."

Me- "Ok."

He walks over and sits on the end of my bed.

Max- "He still likes you. He keeps telling me how much he cares about you but is scared to bring it up. He told me it was hard to see you upset after your breakup."

Me- "I know he still likes me; I was just waiting for him to bring it up."

Max- "That's what I reckoned."

He walks out and I continue writing lyrics.


Max's PoV

I knew it!! She still likes him! I go to the kitchen, where Harvey is making lunch. I enter the room and hear Harvey swearing under his breath.

Me- "What are you mad about?"

Max & Harvey: Full Dream SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now