---Summer Of 2023---

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*****Time Skip Two Years*****


Harvey's PoV

Ever since Hadley was nominated for Kids Choice Awards, she hasn't put her phone down. We are on our way to the hairdresser. She will be 17 next month, so I'm going with her to get purple extensions in her hair. We pull in and grab her phone as we walk inside.

Hadley- "Hey!"

Me- "You're too obsessed with the votes. I'll give it back later."

Hadley- "Gimme my phone!"

Me- "Later. Right now, you can socialize. I'll let you know if you get any messages."

Hadley- "Ugh!"

I laugh and put her phone in my pocket.


Hadley's PoV

Harv took my phone! He said I was too obsessed with the votes, but in reality, I just excited. I was nominated for best new artist (A/N: IDK IF THAT IS A REAL AWARD OR NOT), and it's really cool! I didn't think I even had a chance for this, but I guess I was wrong! We walk into the salon and I get my extensions. Harvey decides to dye his hair again while we are here, and then we go back to his house for a while to work on music. We were working on our own songs but helping each other at the same time. Not too long after we get there, Max arrived. I don't know where he had been, but we made him get pizza on his way home. We sat on the couch and they let me pick the movie. Of course, I pick Coraline. It's my favorite movie and I've probably seen I too many times, but who cares!


Max's PoV

I brought food and we ate in the living room. When I had got there, Hadley and Harvey were working on music. It's our house now since we chose to stay in America, whilst the rest of our family went back to England. Harvey and I will be 21 in December, so we are old enough to take care of ourselves! : ) Hadley is over quite a bit to work on music and record songs. It's rare that she doesn't do that, at least for a few minutes, whilst she is over. Occasionally we will watch a film before she leaves, just as we are tonight!


Harvey's PoV

The film is almost over, and I look over at Hadley. She had fallen asleep leaning on me. She seems so peaceful. I wonder what is going on inside her head. What is she dreaming about? She is an amazing person and friend, but for now I can only wish we didn't have a four-year age gap. But even if we were closer in age, she is still dating Tyler. I whisper for Max to go get the extra pillow from my bed. I stand up and put it under Hadley's head, then I get a blanket from the closet and lay it over her. Max and I go get ready for bed, and once I'm in my pajamas I go get Hadley's phone and text Kendall.

Me: "Hey, this is Harvey. Hadley fell asleep on the sofa. I just thought I would let you know that she is ok."

Kendall: "Ok, thank you Harvey."

I knew Kendall would get worried if Hadley didn't return home. I went back upstairs and look at fan edits on Instagram for a bit. Then Max walks into my room.


Max's PoV

I walk into Harvey's room. He puts his phone away when he sees me.

Me: "You still like her, don't you?"

Harv- "Of course I still like her! Why wouldn't I?"

Me- "Chill, I was just asking."

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