Skeletons in the closet

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Andy and Laurie spent the day pretending they where a normal family, something Andy was good at his entire life. He was tired of pretending to be perfect, he had always wanted a normal family. After his early childhood, he promised himself that's what he would drive to be in life. After the last year of hell they have all been through, he didn't know how to find his normal anymore. That is until Charlotte, she made him happy, with her he didn't have to hide anything, the truth was already out there, she knew his past and didn't judge him for it. 

Dr. Steven's came in at one point saying "Laurie, Andy great news Jacob can go home in two days finally. 

Laurie and Andy smiled, "That's great news Dr. Steven's thank you for all you help."

Laurie said, "Jacob this is great, we got good news, Jacob your rooms got boxes everywhere but we move by the weekend. You'll love the new place." 

"That's great I just want to go home, to just talked to Sarah even, thank you Doctor." Jacob smiled as he spoke.

Andy and Laurie, left the hospital that night, drove home not saying much at all to each other. They just looked in the dark distance. They stopped grabbed food, Andy got some beers at this point he no longer cared at Laurie's bitching about his drinking. Part of him still loved her, he thought maybe Jacob coming home will help them all. The move will be a fresh start too. He smiled at the thought as he drove, but as he looked at Laurie, he saw someone he didn't know. A stranger, a woman would was willing to kill herself, taking their sons life in the process. That thought filled him with anger, and heartbreak. She was willing to take it all away from him, take away his wife and child. He didn't know if he could ever get past it or forgive her. His mind drifted to her Charlotte, as he drove. Her smile, how she wanted to help him before herself. She had even noticed his drinking a little, she told him, that wasn't answer. She told him that finding out the truth about Ben was the answer and she help him. She told him when he felt he needed a drink, she bet there to help him.  He thought about how he felt when he was in bed with her, and how he needed her more tonight even. They got home went inside and ate. 

Laurie spoke, "Andy we have got a lot more to get done in a few days, before the move."

He sighed "I know Laurie, I got it under control, the movers are coming Friday to help pack up anything we don't have done. We are leaving Saturday morning for the new house."

"Ok, Andy I don't want to fight anymore, I just want to put the past behind us, to start over." she said.

"Laurie, ya we can start over, let go of the last year get out of this nightmare. I can agree to that." he said.

Laurie went upstairs to bed, Andy said he was going pack a little more. She reminded him if he was having any beers the couch was there for him. He had some papers to go over for the move too. Andy packed a little, getting most of the kitchen packed up in boxes. He grabbed another beer, and opened his laptop. He was doing some digging in Derek Yoo's past. He found that he had gotten suspended 4 times in grade 6 for fighting. That after that his parents pushed him into lacrosse, Andy thought maybe it was a way to deal with his anger. He found on facebook, a few girls in the past saying how over protective Derek was when he liked them. That he scared them a little too much. His mind drifted back to Sarah, what Ben had done to her, and how Derek reacted threatening Ben and steeling his phone. He wonder what if Derek had deleted any texts between them,  about Sarah. Just as Andy was drinking his second beer he heard his phone get a text. He looked down, as soon as he saw her name he felt happy and smiled. 

"Andy, I still looking for more, it's taking time. I saw you today at the hospital, you looked upset, I'm hear for you and I missed you" her text said.

He thought he wanted to go to her now, he realized he almost finished his third beer. He wished he hadn't he could go be with her. Not sleep on the couch. He sent her a text back "Charlotte, I thought a few things too, I found some things about Derek, I need to see you, I miss you ." he sent with heart emojis.

She texted him back "Ok we can meet tomorrow night, come to my place again, that way no one sees you here. Andy we need to keep us secret for now, if we are going to do this." 

"Ok, agreed we need to keep this locked up from everyone, before we are ready to bring out in the open. I want a life with you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow night." he sent back.

She texted back hearts and kisses to him. He smiled they texted their goodnights, he thought he would tell her about Jacob coming home, that they be moving to Burlington Mass on the weekend. It would give him an easier way to see her they could meet somewhere in the middle. Andy finished up on his laptop for the night, he went the couch he knew full well Laurie didn't want to fight anymore, but she did lock the bedroom door again. That while he drank, she wasn't interested in having him in their bed. He used to be hurt by this but now he wasn't. He drank 5 beers that night, he fell sleep dreaming of Charlotte, he couldn't wait to see her. He knew though for now he needed to keep his skeleton's locked up tight in the closet, at least till he was ready to let them out. 

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