π Coffee and Stalkers π

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Elias Schneider^^

Jendayi was sitting in a little Italian cafe named, DA Nonna. It was owned by an old Italian lady that she was very familiar with.

She was coming to this cafe from she arrived in America. She was from Ghana,  located in West Africa. She came to America from she was 17.

Her family was back in Ghana in summer they would visit now and then or she would visit them.

She sat near the window watching as the cabs and cars passed as she waited for her bagel and her vanilla milkshake.

She was writing an essay for English. It was very easy for her because she did her research and read over her notes. She had one more year left to do online courses. She worked hard to get where she is now. She had struggled in her first year because it wasn't the same thing that they teach in Ghana they teach in America.

She chewed on her pen thinking about how to finish her essay. It's a natural habit for her when she deeply thinks about something.

"Jen here is your order," A sweet old lady with blonde hair and a slender figure said. Jendayi took it from her and thank her, going back to what she was doing.

She finished her meal and throws away the container and went back to where she was sitting.

Jendayi could feel someone looking at her. She looked around and no one was there.  She thought she was been paranoid. She went back to what she was doing but couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching her.

She packed up her things while her hand was shaking, she went to pay for her meal but Marcia refuse to take the money, so she hailed a cab back to her apartment.

She opened her fridge just to see a half-eaten sandwich and spoiled milk. Jendayi sighed and took the items out and throw them in the bin.

She cleaned out her fridge before taking a shower. She wasn't that hungry so she decided to do grocery shopping tomorrow. She put on her bonnet, prayed, and read her bible then went into a deep slumber.

While she was sleeping a man stand over her drawing a pocket knife down her spine. She stirred but didn't wake up. He smirked a left her room taking a walk around her apartment.

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