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"You had one damn job, just one," Elias rolled his eyes and hiss his teeth.

"Roll them again and I'll slap the whiteness off from you," Mrs Ghebo pointed to the gun on his already injured side. Frustration edged his face and a long painful sigh escaped his lips.

"Now tell me who the fuck is Julius," she stared at home with an intense glare causing him to look away. - Before answering he took a deep breath. "Julius is one of my enemies but he works for someone that I have yet to figure out," the guilt was eating him up. His brother, friend, lover and children were gone because of his stupid actions.

He didn't blame Jendayi because she didn't know who Julius was, Elias had never involved her with his mafia business because he thought he was protecting her but he was clearly wrong.

"I'll take it from here get some rest, just tell me the password to your computer," she mutters cracking her fingers.

"It's her birthday," then Mrs Ghebo walked out of his hospital room.


"So since Elias is taking so long to fucking rescue us, why don't we play a game," Lorenzo voiced out liking his bruised lips.

"And what kind of game is that," West asked curiously, he always liked the competition and that was one of his toxic traits because sometimes it gets in him in the wrong situation like the one all of them are now in.

"Confessions" Jendayi and West looked at him with confusion. Jendayi was barely touched, and no bruise was on her body only thing that was affecting her was her sprained ankle left untreated.

West in the other case had a broken rib, bruised face, and his knuckles were busted.

"Never heard of that came before," Jendayi muttered she didn't want to play any games but find her children.

"We confessed everything that we did in life that no one knows, we are going die anyways and might as well die with each other secrets," Lorenzo shrugged.

"Who are we, you are the only and maybe West dying I'll find my way out somehow," Jendayi chuckled darkly sending a slight shiver down both Lorenzo's and West's bodies.

"Alright I will go first," West wheezed out to ease the tension.

"I'm a virgin," Jendayi and Lorenzo looked at him before bursting out in laughter. They thought he was joking but when they looked at his face he was serious as a judge.

"He ain't playing," Jendayi whispered lowly as if she was talking to herself. "No, I'm not," West rolled his eyes and Lorenzo started to laugh much louder but his vulgar laughing was cut off by a loud gunshot that ranged in the air.

"Can you all shut the fuck up, your hyena laughing is disturbing my boss," Julius came in with a gun in his hand flashing it out the air.

"Tell your boss to piss off," as Jendayi uttered those six words from her mouth a bullet connected with Lorenzo's shoulder.

"Jendayi can you just shut the hell up for once," every time the young woman speaks offensively about his unknown boss Lorenzo or West fell pain, apparently the boss has a soft spot for Jendayi.

"All of you shut your traps so fucking irritating," Julius groaned before walking out and slamming the door leaving the three musketeers to themselves.

"Sorry," Jendayi muttered to Lorenzo who had a blank look on his face.


"Why can't we hit the girl," Julius muttered sniffing the white stuff in his nose. His already red eyes rolled back.

"We don't hit women," his boss said counting up the money on the table.

"Bullshit, we didn't hesitate to hit any bitch," Julius cracked his knuckles chuckling.

"Don't call her a bitch or I'll put one through your head," Julius's eyebrows furrowed as he came to a realisation.

"Oh you're in love with her aren't you," his boss's cheeks turned red and Julius started to pinch her cheeks but a slap on his hands stopped his movement.

"But you know she's in love with someone else and I feel that she's gay," Julius looked at her with a worried expression.

"Not for long," a wide grin edges her face.

"Did you kill him as I asked you to," Julius swallowed before answering.

"I don't think he's dead because apparently, he's in one of his private hospitals," Julius stretched his head rubbing his nose.

"I want him dead and kill that bitch as well and if the Job is not done you can kiss your daughter and wife goodbye," she angrily pushed herself out of the chair and stalked off leaving Julius to his thought.

Not edited.

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