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"Ma what are you doing with a gun," Jendayi looked at her mother with wide eyes, she was shocked to see her mother holding a gun. 

Mrs Ghebo ignored her daughter and focus on Elias that had a smug smirk on his face. 

"Are you going to shoot Mama or are you just gonna point that gun to my beautiful face," Elias smiled leaning back in the chair and putting his hands behind his head.

"You think this is funny," she pivots her feet and places a hand on her hip cocking her head to the other side.

"No, this is hilarious," she smirked at his response looking at him with amusement. Jendayi looks at both of them back and forth with confusion etching on her face.

The two burst out in laughter hugging each other. Jendayi was confused and frustrated, she didn't know what was happening in front of her.

"What the hell is going on Ma," Jendayi raised her voice catching both of their attention.

"Be cautious who you talk to, child, I'm still your mother," Mrs Ghebo growled, her gaze returning to Elias. Jendayi deduced that they either knew each other or were both mentally ill.

"What are you doing here my boy," Jendayi's mother wrapped her arms around him lovingly and Jendayi's eyes furrowed in distress. Elias looked over at Jendayi winking before answering her mother.

"Can someone please tell me what's happening here," Jendayi folded her arms and place her hands on her wide hips. They both turned around and face her as Elias was about to speak, Enitan, Jendayi's mother held up her hand silencing him. "Look child there is much to explain but that is for later, pack your bags and go with him to Germany, and please take care of my grandbabies or one of you may be found dead 10 feet under," she shoved the gun in Elias's chest walking off.

"What just happen," Jendayi shook her head because she believed her mind was playing some serious games. 

"You heard what she said listen to your mother," Elias smirked.

"I don't even know who to trust anymore," she shook her head walking away. She wondered if her dear mother knew that Elias was the one that got her knocked up.

"Pack your bags," Elias smirked causing her to glare at him. "You pack them already," she rolled her eyes picking up her daughter in her arms.

"Well then we should get going," she watched him pick up the suitcases. Logan and Lorelei were already dressed only thing that was left to do was go to the airport. 

"I'm not going," she folded her arms and stare ahead. Elias ran his hands over his face and let out a loud sigh. "You're making this hard on yourself, either we go the easy way or you the harder way," he raised his already perfectly arched brows.

"I like hard," she smiled sweetly putting one leg over the other one. He shrugged and then launch at her but she moved out of the way causing his mouth to hit the bed. He licked his lips tasting blood, smiling he smirked at her.

"Is that so," he cocked his head, peering into her soul and making her quiver with his piercing stare and calm tone. She nodded and licked her bottom lip before biting it. They were both staring at each other with indescribable rage and intensity. 

"Why are you both standing here playing a staring contest, get moving," Jendayi jumped when she heard her mother slithering voice.

"I'm not going with him; you have no idea what I've been through," Jendayi snarled, causing her mother to sigh deeply. "Jendayi, please, it's for your own good," Jendayi glared at both of them, her mother arched her brows, and Jendayi dropped her gaze. 

Jendayi clamped her jaws tightly as she pushed by Elias, grabbing up her luggage as well as her children's. Elias's smile deepened as he realized he had gotten what he wanted, but when her mother looked at him, his smile vanished. 

"The car is waiting outside, and Jendayi behave," Mrs Ghebo said as she walked away like the boss she is. 

Not edited and sorry for the late update.

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