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"Do you know which state she is in," Elias said to the person on the other line.

"Yes I think she's in Accra that's where she's from anyways," the young man replied nervously.

"You think?" Elias questioned.

"Yes, I haven't seen her in weeks," Jendayi's friend sighed.

"Oh man, I am sorry to hear that," Elias rolled his eyes not giving a fuck about the young man's feelings.

"It's fine plus if You find her there tell her that Deshawn said hi," the poor youth didn't have any idea he was giving away Jendayi's freedom.

"She will surely get the message you don't have to worry about her," Elias fling his knife into the wall.

"Yea ok," Deshawn replied before hanging up.

"This is why I don't trust people," Elias muttered to himself before sitting back in his chair.

"West can you call Lorenzo for me," Elias said to the bodyguard at his office door.

West nodded before going to fetch Lorenzo.

"You called honey," Lorenzo skipped into Elias's office.

"Have a seat," Elias rolled his eyes at his immature brother.

Lorenzo followed his instruction sitting on a couch away from Elias.

"Did you take your medication," Lorenzo questioned.

"Yes and we are not here to discuss my sickness," Elias hissed out.

Lorenzo hummed.

"Pack your bags we are going to Ghana when we come back we deal with your scum bag father," Elias smirked dragging his knife on his mahogany desk.

"Why are we going to Ghana," Lorenzo gave Elias a tight lip smile.

"When we arrive you will see now get the fuck out," Elias said while getting up.

Lorenzo shake his head and went out the door. Even if he wanted to warn the poor girl he couldn't. Every time a member of the household makes a phone call Elias's computer stores it. The name of the person who you called, the date, and the time frame.


"Noah and Alison ugly as fuck," Amari stuffed the popcorn in his mouth.

Jendayi ignored him and continue to watch the affair. She had watched the movie over a hundred times and never got bored of it.

"You know the Simpsons her mouth shapes like that," Amari put his feet on her lap.

Jendayi looked at him and hissed her teeth before turning back to the series.

Amari was always the attention seeker in the family. When he doesn't get the attention he wants, he gets annoying. For a twenty-year- three he really acted immaturely.

"What gonna happen next," he said clapping his mouth.

"Amari can you shut the hell up and watch the movie," Jendayi turned the television up to get rid of his annoying voice.

"I am older have respect remember you in my house," he smirked.

"Where I don't see it, for a twenty-year-old man you don't even have a house, you're in mama's house," she took two-finger shoving him in his head.

"I pay the bills remember that," Amari rolled his eyes.

"Tell that to ma," she grinned, and Amari side-eyed her.

"Anyways who gonna cook tonight," Amari rubs his belly.

"I don't feel like cooking call mom and ask her," Jendayi locked off the television because she couldn't watch her favorite movie in peace.

"Why you lock off the television," Amari yawned stretching out His arms.

"Because you chat too damn much," Jendayi shakes her head and walks off.

She went up to her room and suck in the fresh air. She was happy to be back home in the presence of her family and not a psycho.

She was tired from doing absolutely nothing. She jumped and her back and closes her eyes and sleep consumed her.


Elias and Lorenzo were now on a private jet heading to Accra, Ghana. The flight will only take seven hours.

Elias took up his phone a smirked as he dialed Mr Jones's number.

On the first ring, the old man picks up.

"Hello," he whispered.

"Well well your time is up Jones," Elias said on the line.

"No you said three days I have two left," the man plead.

"I located her already your dumb son already gave me the information I don't need your service anymore get your death bed ready," Elias hanged up in his ears before he could utter another word.

"Who is the son," Lorenzo asked curiously.

"Deshawn Jones," Elias sips his tea.

"That dumbass," Lorenzo muttered.

"Right," Elias closed his eyes and Lorenzo sighed before heading towards his room.

Shaking my head Deshwan can't keep his big mouth close.

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