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One week later

"I can't believe Elias hasn't found us yet, two fucking weeks we're in this dirty ass basement for," West sucks his teeth aggressively.

"At least they feed us and give us the opportunity to shower," Lorenzo groaned tired of hearing West rants. Jendayi looked at both of them rolling her eyes.

"Guys seriously can you please stop bickering for a sec I'm trying to think," Jendayi groaned only her aching head. In the room, there was nothing but dead silence. Jendayi closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She began thinking about how to get her children and find her way out of this rat hole.


Elias slammed his fist against the desk in frustration sending daggers into Mrs Ghebo's head. She rolled her eyes commanding him to take a seat.

Glaring at her he complied fixing the gun in his grey sweatpants. His muscles flexed as she ran his hands down his face.

"Why can't we strike now," he slightly raised his voice.

"We have to wait, I know what I'm doing snow bunny, I've been doing this for years unlike you," she puffed out the smoke from her mouth and put her cigar in the ashtray.

"Wait for what, my wife, brother and friend are in danger and we are just sitting here like two fools," he growled.

"Look here ass wipe the only fool here are you and when since you married my precious little girl," she cracked her knuckles before chucking down her shot of raw vodka.

"I planned to marry once I have her in my arms again," he smiled.

"You know you could've just gone up to her and talked to her as a normal person instead you choose to kidnap her, if you weren't my best friend's grandson I would've put a bullet in your head years ago," she hissed her teeth.

"What's the fun in that Miss Tina," he rolled his eyes. They stared at each other with hatred but a knock on the door interrupted their moment.

"What," the both of them shouted at the same time before kissing their teeth.

"We've found their exact direction," the young man that doesn't look older than nineteen years old was shaking in his boots from the intense glare he was getting from both parties.

"Thank you, Sam you may go now," Elias dismisses him.

"Sir my name is Robert not Sam," the young man played with his fingers as a ten-year-old getting scolded.

"OK Ronald," Mrs Gbeho fanned him away. He was about to protest but he was met with two guns pointing at his forehead. He instantly rushed out of the office.

"Now we have all the information we want, get the men," the fifty-year-old lady that still manages to look like she was in her twenties demanded. She was on a mission and that mission was to get back her precious child.


"Did you hear that," Jendayi whispered lowly stepping over the dead guard's body.

"No I didn't hear anything," West muttered.

"If you weren't up in Lorenzo's ass you would've heard," Jendayi whispered following in the direction she heard her children's cry.

"That sounded gay as fuck," Lorenzo and West stated at the same time.

"Just shut up ok, the lesser we make noise it lessens the chance we get caught and beat," she looked around the corner to see if anyone was there but not a person was in sight. She continue to follow the path that the noise was coming from with West and Lorenzo trailing behind.

"OH FUCK," Jendayi and Lorenzo stopped immediately and covered West's mouth who had a pissed look on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you," Lorenzo glared at him with Jendayi rolling her eyes. "I fucking stumped my toe who the fucks puts a wall there," West grumbled clenching his fist and staring at the wall with hatred

After West calmed down they heard a loud noise before everything went dark.


"On a count of three blow it up," Elias demanded looking at Mrs Ghebo for approval which she granted by nodding her head.

"I don't let your emotions get the best of you," she looked at him with some sort of pity before giving him a small smile. He scratched the back of his head in confusion not understanding what she was saying.

"Boys you know what to do I will be in the car waiting to make sure no harm is done to my grandbabies and my daughter or it's your heads," she smiled innocently swaying her hips sensually leaving the men captivated.

This cause Elias rolls his eyes. Mrs Ghebo did not look her age she looked younger. Her curves were still in place with a little tummy. Her natural hair reached below her ass.

"Blow it up," with that the building went dark. Elias walked in front of everyone leading the way. He could see Julius's men but they could not spot him. He shot everyone that dears entered his way. He was on a mission and he was gonna complete it even if it was the last thing he do.

"Fuck," he muttered hearing the sounds of wailing, his children. A smile edged his face before his jaw tightened. Rushing towards the noise he couldn't believe what he saw. A gigantic man brands his precious little Lorelei with big iron steel with initials carved out. Reaching for his gun Elias shot the man in his head causing him to fall to the ground.

"THEY ALL WILL FUCKING PAY," he screamed he picked up the screaming children and handed them both to one of the men telling giving them clear instructions to go to the hospital.

"Elias get out of there now," Mrs Ghebo demanded and Elias shook his head but he remembered that she couldn't see him.

"No I have yet to find the others," he growled in pain and agony.

"They are....," before she could finish her statement he hung up.

"Look what the cat dragged in," he couldn't believe what he was hearing he kept shaking his head that this wasn't real and he wasn't hearing her voice. A single tear dropped out of his eyes as he turned to face the smirking woman.

Quick update not edited.

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