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"Do you think she's gonna wake up, she's been out for two days now," Lorenzo asked holding his head in his hands.

"She's still breathing isn't she," Elias replied nonchalantly. Lorenzo rolled his eyes and focus back on Jendayi.

She had a bag of drip on and an oxygen mask over her face. She was knocked out for two days straight.

"It doesn't take thirty fucking minutes to get a fucking coffee, where the hell is West," Elias was getting irritated by the minute.

It was six in the morning and he needed his morning coffee or he'll lose his mind.

Both Lorenzo and Elias didn't leave Jendayi's side since she was in the hospital.

They only left to take a shower, Elias bought her to the hospital he owned instead of a public one.

There was always a team of security guards standing at her door and a nurse or doctor check on her every hour.

"You're talking about coffee I am starving," Lorenzo rolled his eyes at his older sibling.

"Go and eat something let Maria prepare breakfast for you while you shower," Elias said dismissing him.

"Thanks, boss call me if she wakes up," Lorenzo saluted Elias before marching off. He knew damn well Elias wasn't going to call him.

Elias lay down on the love seat closing his eyes. He pulled the blanket over his feet and face.

He laid there for about thirty minutes until he heard a soft coarse voice gently calling put his name.

He flies up almost falling on his face. He went over to her bedside and gently held her hand.

"What do you want," he asked staring at her glowing face even when she wakes up with unruly hair she still manages to look beautiful. 

" Water," she whispered out. Her throat was dry. He didn't say anything but took up the jug of water and pour it into a glass.

Jendayi sat up, holding her head in her hands. She groaned out from her slight headache.

Elias put a straw in the water and hold it to her lips. Her heart monitoring went up at how fast her heart was beating.

A doctor rushed in but Elias told him to get out. The boy scurried away.

She started drinking the water from the straw looking anywhere but him.

She removes the straw from her lips muttering a thank you to him. He put back the empty glass and he went to sit back to where he got up from.

He leaned his head back and close his eyes a leaned his head back.

"What happen, why I am in the hospital," She questioned.

"Why are you in my hospital, because the cookies that I gave you were edibles," he answered with his eyes still close.

She didn't answer other than shake her head and lay back down. She wasn't surprised.

"Guess who-," Lorenzo stopped speaking when he say a smiling Jendayi.

"How are you Bellissimo," Lorenzo walked over to her sitting on her bed.

"I am fine thanks and You," she giggled and Elias cringed. Although his eyes were closed he wasn't sleeping, he still could hear everything.

"I'm good now that you're awake now," he smiled showing his pearly white teeth.

"The lies you tell, he was planning your funeral," Elias let out a sinister laugh.

She looked over Lorenzo with a painful expression on her face.

"Look, West and I were joking around, you know me Jendayi," Lorenzo Looked guilty.

"It's fine Lo Lo," she kiss his cheek and he turned red.

Elias was watching them, he had one eye closed and one open. He was angry and jealous at the same time. He wanted to put a bullet through Lorenzo's head.

Lorenzo didn't like Jendayi in that way, he consider her as a little sister and a best friend. He told Elias this multiple times but Elias find it hard to believe, he was such a difficult man.

"Lorenzo go back to the house and pack her bags, we are going to France," He clenched his jaws as he looked at his phone.

"She's in no position to fly," Lorenzo gritted out.

"Shut the fuck up and do what I told you to do," Elias said calmly but dangerously.

Lorenzo brushed past him as he walked out the door.

"Why are we going to France," she asked curiously.

"To fuck," he said nonchalantly, Jendayi eyes widened in shock, and her mouth hanged up.

"W-what," she whispered staring at him.

"Mind your damn business, " he pulled out the gun and pointed it at her.

Her body started to tremble and her heart monitoring went up. The same doctor that was here before to check on her, came in with a worried look on his face.

The young doctor's legs wobbled as he approached Jendayi. " I told you to get out and you came back, I don't like to repeat myself," Elias said with no emotion on his face.

Before the young man could answer him, he shot him in the back of his head. He fell onto Jendayi with blood spilling everywhere, on the white sheet, walls, and her body.

She let out an ear-piercing scream while shaking. "Stop being so fucking dramatic," Elias rolled his eyes.

She pull the IV out of her hand, she was in shock that she didn't feel any pain.

"Flora come and clean this shit up, mail his body back to his family," Elias walk out of the room speaking on the phone.

Elias spin around when he heard a thud, he saw that Jendayi fainted. He rolled his eyes picking her up.

He carried her bridal style to another one of the private hospitals. Jendayi had blood all over her face and gown. Blood was running down from her that she snatch the IV out of her arms.

"Was Zum Teufel ist passiert, Mann," West laughed looking at Jendayi state.

(What the fuck happened man)

West laughed for every single thing you would think he had a laughing disorder. He couldn't take anything seriously even if his life depend on it.

"Long story short, I killed one of the doctors in front of her,  she freaked out and drag out the IV out her arm," he explained.

"WHAT," Lorenzo's voice boomed.

"You sick fuck," Lorenzo punched Elias straight in his face. Elias clenched his jaws and his hand-rolled up in a fist.

As he was about to hit him back West and a few security guards dragged him out of the room.

"Listen, man, you need to chill out," West said trying to calm Elias down.

"Fuck you," Elias push past him and walked back into the hospital room Jendayi was in.

"You're staying here with West, we are going to France," Elias put her unconscious body in a wheelchair and started wheeling her out.

His bodyguards took up her bags and followed behind. There was nothing or no one could stop him from what he was doing. Everyone watched him as he put Jendayi in the back of the car and drove off.

"FUCK," Lorenzo punched the wall.

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