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Jendayi screamed out in frustration, she broke five combs and four brushes already. She blow dry her hair and oiled it already the only thing that was left to do was to comb it out.

"Why didn't you just use the blow dryer comb," Lorenzo asked popping a lays in his mouth.

"It hurts and it's more difficult," she sighed out.

"I'll do it for you then," Lorenzo suggested.

She looked at him as if he was crazy. "No thanks I don't like people in my hair even my mama," she declined his offer.

"Suit yourself I'll just enjoy the show," Lorenzo laughed out and she mugged him.

They were in her room for about an hour. Every comb or brush she ran through her thick hair breaks.

Although Elias told her to stay away from Lorenzo she couldn't because he was the only friend she had at the moment.

"Let's go to the store to get you some stronger ones you break every one of mine," Lorenzo pouted.

"Yea good idea, let me grab my shoes," she nodded her head agreeing to him.

"I'll be in the car waiting for you," he said before walking out.

Jendayi put on her shoes hesitantly and grabbed a bonnet putting it over her hair.

She hurried down the stairs almost tripping. She opened the front door but it was slammed back.

"What the hell," she turned around to see a buff man in a black suit glaring at her.

"Sir said I shouldn't let you go out of this house," he said with a straight face.

She rolled her eyes and attempt to open the door but he pulled her arm back. He stands in front of the door blocking it.

As she was about to argue, they heard a loud knock.

"Who is it," the bodyguard asked calmly.

"Lorenzo, now let her out West," they heard on the other side of the door.

"But sir-," he was cut off by Lorenzo.

"I asked to let her out before I blow your brains out," he command.

West sighed before moving from the door.

Jendayi ran out but not before sticking out her tongue to West.

"Childish Jendayi," Lorenzo smiled opening the passenger door for her.

"Yea I know he deserves it," she slides in the car.

"Don't you have drivers to drive you," Jendayi turned to Lorenzo as he entered the car.

"Yes but I rather drive myself," he answered starting up the engine.

"Cool," she rested her head on the window.

They arrived at the mall in twenty minutes.

"Lo Lo you can't park in a handicap parking zone," Jendayi scold Lorenzo.

"I always park here and what's with the nickname," he turns to her.

"I think it suits you," she pinched his cheeks and he winced moving away from her.

"Yea ok let's go," he rolled his eyes.

"OK, Lo Lo," she giggled opening her side of the car.

"Why don't you just install a hair or something," Lorenzo asked following behind her.

"It has to be washed and taken care of not all the time you're going to see me in one," she replied.

"OK, I hear you."

15 minutes later

"Look what I found," Lorenzo held up a pintail comb.

"Lo Lo I'm not doing edges," Jendayi glared at him.

"What edges," he looked lost.

"Nevermind when you reach home go on the internet," she continued to look around.

"Most of the workers in here speak German and I only speak Italian," he turned to her.

"OK I'll find what I am looking for," she gave him a small smile.

About forty minutes later they walk out of the store with ten different types of combs.

"What a day I am starving," Lorenzo said as his stomach growled.

"When we get home I'll make something for you to eat," Jendayi replied getting in the car.

"Why don't we just go to a fast food place," he whined.

"Soul food is better, and get in the car."

He did what she said and started the car.

"This food better be worth it," he glared at her before speeding off.

They didn't stay far from the shopping mall so they reached in a quick minute.

She walk into the kitchen and washed her hands. Jendayi decided to cook mashed potatoes and curry shrimps.

After she found all the ingredients she got to work. She peeled the mashed potatoes, wash them then boiled them.

While the potatoes were boiling she took the shrimps out of the refrigerator and put them to thaw out.

Jendayi took all different types of seasoning out of the cupboards.

She cut onions, tomatoes, pepper, and sweet pepper. After the potatoes were finished boiled she took a bowl and spoon then mashed the potatoes.

1 hour later

She finished cooking everything and placed it on the counter.

"Lo Lo," she called him from downstairs.

He skipped down the stairs with a grin on his face.

She giggled and went into the kitchen with Lorenzo following behind her.

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