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One year later

"Ma can you pass the baby bag for me please," Jendayi shouted out to her mother.

"Come and get it yourself, I am watching a movie," Jendayi sighed and went into the living room taking up the baby bag.

"Give me the remote dear," her mother asked staring at the television.

"But the remote is right beside you," she pointed. Her mother hissed and her teeth and put on her stern face.

Sighing Jendayi took up the remote from the centre table that her mother's foot was on passing it to her. "I'm going to work now can you watch you watch Logan and Lorelei for me please."

Her mother hummed shaking her head yes telling her to go. She replied with a thank you. Going upstairs in her old bedroom, she looked at the two sleeping children kissing each of their foreheads.

She went into another room that was recently her brother's but he moved out a month ago. He visits now and then but sometimes you hardly get a glimpse of him.

"Oh hi Jendayi," she jumped hearing her brother's voice holding her chest.

"Hi Amari," she smiled at him. He moved out of her way going into her children's nursery. She smiled picking up her bag but remembered she left the baby formula in the nursery.

"AMARI," she shouted out when she saw a spoon in his mouth full of baby formula. Angrily stomping over him she took the tin out of his hand closing it back.

"Come now," he whined when she started pushing him out. She slammed the door in his face and closed it.

Looking at her pride and joys she smiled. Logan was her firstborn and Lorelei was her second by five minutes. Logan has nice caramel skin with curly black hair and almost black eyes. Lorelei was the same but her personality was much more like her father's.

Jendayi hoped Lorelei wouldn't grow up to be just like her father but she could only hope. Sighing she open the door walking not before kissing them.

She smiled as she remembered the day they were born.

"Do you think he will come back," Jendayi asked playing with her food.

"I don't know Jendayi and you have to eat, you need energy," West looked over at Boo who was shrugging.

Jendayi would hardly eat anything since she woke up and found out that Elias has disappeared.

"I want him to come back," she cried harder. West didn't know how to comfort her he looked at Boo again and she closed her eyes taking a deep breath walking over.

She bent down in front of Jendayi and placed her hands on Jendayi's knee. "Nothing will happen to Elias Jen, he will come back like he always does," Boo wiped her tears and Jendayi gave her a small smile.

Getting up from the floor, Boo walked off but before she could reach the stairs she heard a loud ear-piercing scream.

"What the hell," West shouted screeching seeing water pooled on the floor with blood.

Jendayi breathing becomes harsher as she holds her stomach. "What should we do," the both of them started panicking looking at each other for help.

"I will call doctor Singh," Boo ran off leaving a confused and worried West.

When he heard her screaming again he rushed over to her pick her up. Her nails were digging in West hands making him wince.

"I am so sorry," she cried harder squeezing his hand. He nodded his head and carried her to her room placing her on the bed.

"Please don't leave," he nodded his head giving her a smile which she tried to return.

Doctor Singh rushed and went straight over her bedside. He checked her heart rate pulse and everything else.

"She's pregnant," West mouth hung open before he fainted.

The doctor went for everything he needed along with towels and hot water.

"She's not pregnant look at her stomach," Boo looked at the doctor with confusion on her face.

Ignoring her he set up everything inserting the IV in her arm. "Now Mrs Schneider when I tell you to push, you push," she nodded her head not focusing on what the doctor was saying she just wanted the pain to be gone.

"Hold her hand," Boo held Jendayi's hand in hers and immediately regretted when Jendayi squeezed her hand almost breaking it.

The doctor took off her clothes putting on a hospital gown on her body. Elias clenched his jaw looking at the doctor from outside of the window.

"Put your feet up and open your legs," he instructed. She did exactly that crying.

She took deep breaths before pushing, she didn't know exactly what she was pushing for because her mind was blurry.

Boo started crying louder than Jendayi because she was gripping tightly on her hand. West got up and fainted back when he saw a small head coming through Jendayi's bared vagina.

The doctor rolled his eyes. Jendayi pushed until there was loud wailing. The doctor check up on the small child to make sure nothing was wrong before handing him to his mother.

"It's a-," before he could finish the sentence Jendayi screamed again.

The doctor hurriedly takes the child from her putting him in unconscious West hands.

Gripping back on Boo already bruised hand she squeeze starting to push again.

"Oh come now, one more," Boo cried.

"I can't," Jendayi cried shaking her head and Elias looked at her with pity. No one could see him but he was there watching.

"Yes you can, just push a few more times," she screamed before pushing with all her might. The doctor looked worried when he didn't hear any crying.

The baby was breathing but not responding. When he was about to slightly slap the baby, he heard a scream coming from the baby.

"Rat," Elias smiled look at the second baby.

He smiled cleaning up her and giving her to Jendayi. "Are you sure there's no more in her pussy," Boo cried rubbing her hands.

Rolling his eyes he took the baby from West that was now fully awake.

The doctor showed Jendayi how to cut the navel string. She did what the doctor said still trying to process everything.

"What's their name," Boo looked at them in awe. "Logan and Lorelei," she muttered lowly looking at the sleeping babies.

"You named them after Lorenzo," West gave her a small smile which she returned.

Elias frowned before disappearing again.

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