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Jendayi placed the two babies in the playpen near the living room. She was about to cook but no one was there to assist her with the children.

She could watch them while she's cooking because from the kitchen you could view the living room a small window was there. Putting on an apron she took out all the ingredients that would be needed to make the shrimp pasta.

As she cut up the vegetables, she watched them playing together. She smiled and turned her back going over to the stove, hearing a scream she dropped the pot, hurriedly washing and drying her hands she strutted over to the playpen.

"Lorelei why did you do that," she cried and scolded picking up Logan. Blood ran down his small forehead, he cried holding to his mother tightly.

"He do it," she said in a small voice pointing at Logan frowning. She pouted her full lips glaring at weeping Logan. Jendayi shook her head rushing upstairs with Logan.

She set him on the bed taking out her first aid kit. The cut wasn't too deep, it was nothing she couldn't fix. Cleaning up the bruise she sighed hearing her Logan cries.

This is all your fault Elias and Lorenzo she cursed in her mind. She realized she loved Elias when he was gone. She wanted to tell him but she couldn't and Jendayi knows if ever told him, he would never say it back. That would hurt her the most.

Logan fell asleep in her arms, she was revealed she couldn't manage to deal with two babies at the same time. Kissing Logan's cheeks she gently placed him down in the crib. She tiptoed downstairs.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice. Her heartbeat picked up hearing his deep voice.

Turning the corner she stared in shock at the man in front of her. She pinched herself a coupled of times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Lorelei screamed laughing when the man tickles her chubby stomach. Jendayi smiled at her baby girl but frowned when she saw him again.

Stomping over she took the baby from the man, Lorelei instantly started to cry reaching out for him. "Get out," she bites her bottom lip to prevent her from crying. Jendayi found herself on an emotional rollercoaster, she was dealing with work and her children at the same time. She had finished her online classes a while back, graduating she got her Master's in nursing.

She worked as a surgical technologist in a hospital about two hours from her home. The payment was satisfying for her because it covers everything in her budget along with her savings.

"Jen..," he was cut off when she placed her hand up. She blamed him for everything. Mostly Elias leaving. 

"Just go please," she bounced the crying child on her hips. He nodded his head walking out slamming the door.

She heard Logan crying, she cursed the man that walked out the door before walking upstairs to the nursery.

She picked him up and now there were two crying babies in her arm. "Let me help you," hearing his gruff voice she closed her eyes and turned around.

Jendayi was tired she wanted to scream out in frustration. Handing Lorelei to Elias she instantly stopped crying. "He could hold her but I couldn't," she jumped hearing Lorenzo's voice. 

This is a nightmare.

"I thought I told you to leave," she gritted out turning to him. Shrugging he stood beside Elias playing Lorelei. She ran her hand down her face letting out a loud sigh glaring at both men.

"Did you adopt them," Both Elias and Jendayi glared at Lorenzo, he held up his hand in defense.

"No, I push them out," she rolled her eyes. 

"Sooo You names them after me," he smiled looking at a sleeping Logan in her arms then his eyes shift over to Lorelei.

"Yes I named them after you both," she beamed, Elias rolled his eyes.

"What are their full name," Lorenzo asked.

"Logan Elias Schneider and her name is Lorelei Elisa Schneider," she proudly said running her hand over Logan's thick curly hair.

"Where were the both of you," she stared into Elias's eyes making him nervous. He looked over at Lorenzo for help but he was acting oblivious.

"Speak," she gritted out sending daggers to their faces. Elias shifted his eyes over Lorenzo again. Lorenzo cleared his throat before he started speaking.

"I-ugh- I mean we kinda went on a vacation," he whispered slowly backing away. They were lying to her but neither of them could uttered where they have really been.

She smiled nodding her head putting Logan in the crib. She took Lorelei from a shaking Elias placing her in the other crib.

Lorelei clapped her tiny hands looking at them excitedly waiting for her mother's next move. Turning to her daughter she gave her a warning look and Lorelei instantly stopped.

She laid down in the crib and put her thumb in her mouth. "You two outside," she pointed to the door, they both walked out with her following behind.

"Why," she asked studying both of their body movement. She figured out that they were both lying but she didn't question it. 

They must have a real reason and when they're ready they will tell me right?  She questioned herself.

"We wanted a break, so we staged it all," Jendayi sighed running her hands over her face.

"I think you should both leave," she turned her back walking into the nursery.

With pity, the both of them walked out with their heads down.

Cursing in German, Elias handed Lorenzo the cars keys heading for the door.

"Wait I didn't she told us to leave," Lorenzo raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't come all the way to Ghana for nothing," he snarled pushing the front door open.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes hopping in the car driving off to the airport.

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