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"Wake the fuck up," Elias slapped Jendayi on her ass and she jumped out of her sleep while rubbing her butt.

She glared at him and he just stared at her intensely. 

"What do you want from me," she croaked out. Her voice was coarse from crying and screaming.

"Well you saw something that you shouldn't have," he light his cigar while studying her carefully.

"Where I'm I," she looked around the unfamiliar place.

"In a jet going to Germany," he looked at her unbothered.

"U-uh what," she began to panic.

He growled and she closed her mouth.

"Can at least take a shower and brush my teeth," she hissed out trying to get up. He didn't even bother to look at her, as he went to get her things.

A million thoughts were running through her head, she stopped because she didn't want to get a migraine.

Elias came back with her toiletries and some clothes.

"Here and hurry up we'll be landing soon." He said before coming out of the room.

She sighed and took a quick shower and now she was hungry but she wasn't going to ask that man for anything.

God, what did I do to deserve this? She thought.

"Are you done," she heard a voice from her room door.

"NO," she shouted and rolled her eyes.
"Well hurry the fuck you bitch," the stranger said. She mimics the stranger but excludes the profanities.

After she finished her shower she lotion her skin and put on her clothes then brushed her teeth.

She walked out of the room while looking around, she accidentally bump into someone and landed on her ass.

She looked up to see a boy with blonde hair and green eyes with a five o'clock shadow beard.

"I'm so sorry," she said in pain from where Elias throw the knife in her arms and feet.

"Are you OK," the attractive young man asked her.

"Yes I am OK, can you help me up though."

"Yes of course," he wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her up.

"Thank you," she smiled at his and he let go of her waist.

Jendayi found the nearest seat to rest in because her leg was now hurting her.

"Um what's your name," Jendayi asked the young man.

"Oh, my name is-."

"I didn't bring you here to fuck my staff," she turned around to see Elias glaring at her and the blonde hair boy.

The young man ran off before either of them could utter another word. Jendayi could see fear in the young man's eyes, whose name she's yet to know.

"What are you doing out of bed," Elias barked at her and she flinched.

"Uh I couldn't stay in that room anymore," she squeak out, moving away from him.

"Well get back in bed," he said and walked off but she didn't move.

"NOW," he shouted at her without looking back and she run to the room ignoring the pain without looking back.

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