Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

"Lady Athena," I said, bowing swiftly. Last time I talked with Athena, she charred my shirt. I glanced at my shirt. Nope, not worth saving. It was burned, charred, and so slashed, it wasn't even a shirt anymore.

"Fear not, Perseus. I will not burn your shirt this time," Athena said, with a hint of a smile. How the heck did she know what I was thinking? "As you may know your father and I have had well, several disagreements." Understatement of the Century. "But working together to slay some giants and me seeing how much you and Annabeth love each, we have decided to overcome our disagreements. Make note of this, Perseus, I will not allow any acts against my daughter. But I will give you a chance soon to prove your ultimate love to Annabeth." Hello? I jumped into Tartarus for her. Not enough prove? Are you blind? "Until then I will tolerate you." Gee, thanks. I do the impossible for your daughter and all I get is tolerance. But I love Annabeth.

"Thank you, Lady Athena," I said, not wanting to push my luck that seems to always run out on me.

"You are welcome, Perseus," She said, like she had done me a great favor not the other way around. "Good bye, Percy, and take good care of my daughter. With that she disappeared, without even charring my shirt. Maybe an old goddess can learn new tricks, I thought as I walked over to Annabeth.

"What was that about?" She asked as I placed the food down.

"Well, as seeing as I'm still here, I must have done an okay job keeping you safe," I said. (AN: I'm terrible at the whole romance thing, but here's my best.)

"Perrrrrccccccccccyyyyyyyyy," Annabeth said, dragging out the syllables in my name. "You did a great job protecting me." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I put on my best pouting face.

"Is that all I get?"

"Percy!" She said giving me a swat to the back of my head. "We're in a public place. Let's eat and then go dance." I couldn't argue with that. All these gods and titles are making me hungry. I wolfed down two slices of pepperoni pizza before breaking for a sip of blue coke. "Remember to chew," Annabeth reprimanded me.

"Sowwee, Ennabef," I said with my mouth full.

"Seaweed brain, gets some sense." Annabeth said.

"That's why I have you," This gets me a punch to the arm. "What were you saying about dancing?"

"You're such an idiot, Seaweed Brain, but you're sweet." I held out my hand and helped her up. We walked hand in hand to the dance floor. Just like the winter party I attended so many years ago. The difference now was there was no impending war, we were safe. Everyone heard the song they wanted to. Right now, a slow dance was playing. Annabeth put her head on my shoulder and we clasped hands. We started to sway back and forth.

"This is nice," Annabeth murmured into my neck. "No gods to interrupt us and break up our -" She doubles over, choking.

"ANNABETH!" I wasn't going to lose her, not now.

"The perfume," She gagged. I whipped around to see..

..Annabeth. But the face was wrong. She had to much makeup on. Her hair was styled in a way that wasn't my Annabeth. Her dress was REALLY low cut and definitely not something she would normally wear. The makeup around her mostly gray eyes was- wait, Annabeth has stormy gray eyes and NEVER wears makeup or skimpy dresses. Aphrodite, I mentally groaned.

"You had to say something, Wise Girl," I muttered. "So much for peace and quiet." Annabeth punched me in the arm. Hard. These are the times you wish you had the curse of Achilles.

Aphrodite squealed. "You guys are like so cute together! I've decided that Percabeth is, like, way better than Helaris (Helen and Paris). I mean, like, look at you two. But your clothes are, like, terrible. I mean, like, battle stained clothes were like SO last millennia."

"We've been a bit busy," Annabeth muttered.

"That's why I've come to help!" Aphrodite clasps her hands and smiles at us like this is the best news ever. Yeah, right.

"No really, that's-," Annabeth starts.

"Nonsense!" Aphrodite giggles, then claps her hands and we are surrounded with a cloud of pink, nauseating perfume. When the smoke clears, Aphrodite is gone. I look at Annabeth and I feel like any hope of me having a brain has left my head. There are no intelligent words to describe Annabeth's beauty, at least I can't think of any. Her blond princess curls tumble down around her shoulders covered with grey ruffled sleeves. A gorgeous grey dress, thankfully not strapless or Athena would blast me for getting near her, fits her body perfectly. An owl necklace adorns her neck.

"Wise girl, you look beautiful," I stammer out. She blushes at my compliment.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Seaweed brain," Annabeth says, trying to keep the color out of her cheeks.

"Aphrodite changed my clothes, too?" I asked, flabbergasted. I finally look down at my clothes, a green polo and khakis. Not bad.

"Duh, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth smacks the back of my head.

"Owwwww, Annabeth. That's not nice," I mutter.

"Come on, let's go find Jason and Piper." She grabs my hand and drags me over to one of the snack tables where Jason and Piper are talking to nymph.

"Hey, Piper, Jason," Annabeth says when we reach them. She and Piper hug, why do girls do that? They just saw each an hour ago. Jason and I give each other nods.

"So, what are you guys the gods of?" I ask Jason.

"I'm the god of flying, and air travel. The red-tailed hawk is apparently my sacred animal. Pipes is the goddess of natural beauty, bright colors, and hummingbirds." I look over at Piper who's talking animatedly with Annabeth. The colors do seem to be a little brighter around her.

"What's with the polo?" Jason says, gesturing to my shirt.

"Aphrodite has declared us her 'all time favorite couple'," I reply. Jason winced.

"That must suck."

"Tell me about it."

"Tell you about what?" says Hazel as she and Frank walk over, arm in arm. I guess with their curses gone they can finally be together without a worry.

"Annabeth and Percy are Aphrodite's favorite couple," Jason tells them.

"What? Are we just trash?" Frank mutters.

"Frank!" Hazel exclaims, before giving him a quick kiss. His eyes get a little glazed over. He catches Jason and I chuckling at him. He sticks his tongue out at us.

"Where are Leo and Nico?" I ask.

"Last time I talked to Nico, he was going to DOA recording studios to meet Bianca as she comes from the underworld. As for Leo, well, he's over there on the dance floor," Hazel smiles a little bit at the end. I looked over at the dance floor, charming a bunch of nymphs. He's doing his whole Captain Bad Boy Supreme and Mr. Mcshizzle or whatever he calls it. We all burst out laughing when he waltzes up to a short nymph, gives her a twirl and a quick kiss, only to be a slapped away.

"Bad boy is right," Hazel says as she fans her face. Leo walks up to another nymph and cordially offers his hand to another nymph. The dance floor is dark, perfect for people to do very stupid stuff. The nymph accepts his hand and they begin to slow dance. I turn to walk over to Annabeth, when an iris message appears in front of me. It's Nico with the inside of DOA behind him. His face is even more pale than usual.

"Percy, underworld breakout. Come quickly," Nico manages to get out before sword makes contact with his head and he crumples.

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