Chapter 33

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Percy's POV

My dream starts off very nicely with my surroundings being beautiful and very nice, even better than the void. The sun shines brightly over head, the green grass looks to be in maximum health. A plain but well kept dark brown cabin sits opposite a grove of willow trees, separated by a brown split rail fence. Without even thinking, I walk towards a small grove of willows.

A girl sits on a branch of one of the willows in the shade. The willow branches wave in the gentle wind. The girl is beautiful in a simple and serene way. Her dark brown hair falls in a side braid half way down to her waist. Her light grey dress flows to her ankles, with soft fluttery sleeves covering the top of her arms. She looked to be about thirteen or fourteen from what I could see. Her bare feet dangle several feet above the ground. A roll of yellowed parchment lays on her lap. Her finger moves across the loopy faded handwriting, her head bent down in concentration.

A shout is heard from the front of the house and two boys come racing into what I presume is the backyard, sword fighting with two swords that I have never seem the likes of before. The older boy has a strange white hair, for someone who seems to be sixteen or seventeen. He is tall, about 5 11', if I had to guess. The boy is very muscular and strong from his appearance. His hair is a pure white and falls in straight locks to about his ears. When his face is turned towards me, I see an angular, proud face with white with a little bit of light grey his eyes. He wears a light gray shirt and white shorts, but his weapon is startling. It reminds me of a roman weapon because of it's more bulky form, like a tube. The metal of the sword is also pure white, with the gray at the hilt. He fights very well with the sword, the best I have ever seen.

The other boy is younger, but older than the girl in the tree, at about fifteen years of age. He is shorter than the other boy by approximately two inches, while his frame is more agile, still containing muscle though. Black hair falls in a curly mess to slightly past his ears. His black eyes glint with glee and the silver in them is surprising. His face is happier and more relaxed than the other boy's. He wears a black shirt with a dark grey shorts. His weapon is more of an agility weapon like the Greeks for stabbing and rolling techniques. The sword itself is a long black blade with a dark grey grip at the bottom.

The girl looks up as the two enter the yard. She pauses her reading for a few seconds to watch the two duel. I have to admit, the boys are the best swords men I have ever seen. They fight with such a skill and quickness, it's hard to follow. Exchanging a flurry of blows in a matter of seconds, they fight with vigor. The black and white swords become a grey blur of metal. The girl's dark blue eyes watch them both intensely, waiting for something. Then, so fast, I can barely follow it, the white haired boy twists his blade when bringing it down, before flicking his wrist again. The younger boy's sword flies out of his hand. Too quick, the older boy has him pinned to the ground and his sword at his throat.

"Yield?" The older boy asks.

"Yes," The other says, sighing. The older boy helps him up.

"You're getting better, little brother."

"You both are improving immensely," The girl says from the tree.

Both boys turn to look at her. "Why don't you come join us?"

The girl shakes her head. "Sorry, Chaos, not now," She tells the black haired boy. "I am on the verge of finishing translating the ancient rune code."

I am stunned. Here is the fifteen year old version of my great grandfather, the creator of planet earth. And if that's his brother...

Order looks at Chaos, triumph evident in his white eyes. Chaos and Order both stare at the girl and try to get in more impressive stances. They really couldn't be showing off for her, unless they both like her.... "Come on, it would be fun," Order suggests, looking at the girl, very much like how I've seen guys look at their girlfriends or girls they like. Not in a bad way, more in a you're so beautiful and I like you way.

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