Chapter 34

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Percy's POV

Pandemonium breaks out in the room. Everyone is talking worriedly. "How will we beat him?" A voice, sounding like Nico's says.

"We are all going to die!" Another wails.

"Silence!" Tartarus slams his fist into the table. The air turns colder and the lights dim. I shiver as the brightest lights in the room are Tartarus eyes, glowing with the power of hellfire. "You will all be quiet and listen to Ouranos. In order to defeat Order, we must be unified. I know because I have fought him before."

Everyone looks at Tartarus with fear in their eyes. "Thank you, brother," Ouranos says to Tartarus. Tartarus nods before reverting the room back to normal. "As I was saying, Order is rising. He will destroy anything that stands in his way."

"Are you sure that he has risen?" Ananke asks.

Ouranos nods solemnly. "Several pieces of evidence, actually. Sparrow, tell them what you have seen."

Sparrow looks nervously around at everyone. "The planets have become unaligned in the sky. Something is stirring moving them around. When I went to investigate, something pushed me back. I heard a man's voice laughing in the distance. He said, 'Now my dear daughter, we will have our revenge.'"

Ricky tilts his head. "How do you know the planets moved? How do we even that this guy is Order?"

"Selene is not only the goddess of the moon, she is also keeper of the planets. Sparrow has inherited the ability of sensing the planets cycle and alignments," Jack, Sparrow's dad, said. Everyone nods in understanding. "In my spare time, I have been restoring the castle's library. With Harley's help, I have began organizing some old scrolls. Many things about the first war of Order versus Chaos have been recorded, but many of the scrolls have been lost or parts have been torn."

"In the first war with Order, it was not just Order fighting Chaos and Void. Just as Chaos has primordial children, so did Order. At this time, only the direct creations of Chaos, Gaia, Ouranos, Nyx, Erebus, Chronos, Ananke, and I were alive. Tartarus was created after the war. We fought Order's children, the other primordials," Hydros said.

Nyx shivered as if remembering the battle. "The Order primordials were much stronger than us, as Order was stronger than Chaos. Everyday, we fought them on the battle field. Everyday, they wounded us badly, but we managed to escape before death could over come us. The casualties were very high. People were dying, numbers were dropping. Void was desperate to end the war. This led to her final battle with Chaos against Order."

"Who are these primordials?" Bianca asked.

"There were seven children of Order. Each of us original primordials had to defeat one of them," Gaia explained.

"Then why is this a big deal? Won't we be able to defeat them again?" I ask.

Erebus looks at me sadly. "Percy, Order's children aren't our only problem. The children of Order had monster children who managed to get the Greek monsters to join their side. Also, we primordials cannot fight on earth. We have faded from earth and cannot return there. If they were to attack the Void, then we could fight back."

My eyes flare at the mention of the planet that betrayed me. Bianca sense this, so she asks, "Why must we return to earth?"

"Order will strike there first. It is the source of Greek mythology. Without earth, we greek beings will be weakened, making it easier for him to overpower us," Tartarus explains.

"This time around though, Chaos and Void are gone. Someone else must fight Order," Ouranos says.

The room falls dead silent. I now remember my dream of the children of Helix and how skilled Order was. If Chaos couldn't beat him, what could?

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