Chapter 39

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Percy's POV

Her eyes widen and she chokes out one last word before falling. "Die."

Complete chaos and confusion settle over the dining hall. I whip around to see where the knife came from. A woman stand hidden in the shadows of the trees outside of the pavilion. Her short black hair and goth look makes her look completely insane. Her blue eyes stare right back at me, burning into me. Her metal arm is poised like she just threw something. I recognize her as Vivian, one of the children of Order, from my dream. She grabs onto the arm of a smaller child beside her, a mischievous looking boy who must of been an Order primordial from the aura he is giving off. Cackling wildly, Vivian and the boy disappear.

Bianca grabs my arm. "Was that Vivian?" She asked, remembering from her research.

I nod. "I think so."

"Knife from the sky. Percy, Vivian was the primordial of the sky!"

My eyes widen and we rush towards Rachel. She has fallen on the floor, but no one has bothered to help her. Her blood is forming a pool very quickly. Bianca's face is pale and I know she doesn't have much time left. I'm reaching forward to try to heal her when a red light fills the hall.

A young girl, who looks to be about twelve, stands by an older woman, maybe twenty five years old. The older woman has purple hair. It falls straight to her knees over her long white dress. She places her hand on the younger girl's shoulder. Her purple eyes seem to tell the younger girl instructions. The girl nods before the woman disappears.

The girl kneels beside us and looks over Rachel, her long knee length purple hair like a curtain. Her hair color looks to be a natural purple, like violet flowers, not the fake dyed kind. She is a petite girl, she can't be much taller than five feet, and is wearing a white toga dress much like the older woman's. Her gentle purple eyes flick quickly over Rachel's pale body and the pool of blood. She begins to mutter something under her breath. I lean forward to hear the words over the din.

"Spirit of Delphi,

Protect your speaker.

Let the threads give life,

Let her live to see another day,

No blood on her part,

A speaker of threads."

The words don't rhyme like a normal spell, but the incantation works. The blood stops flowing so profusely from Rachel's neck and the wound begins to heal slowly. Rachel is still very pale, but her chest moves up and down slowly, indicating that she is alive and breathing.

The girl sits back on her heels and checks Rachel's temperature with the back of her hand. "Who are you and what was that?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

She sighs. "It would be most strategical to get the attention of all thy campers. I do not like to explain my story twice," Her voice reminded me a lot of Zoe Nightshade and her old English accent. Summoning a dark purple staff, the girl leaps onto a table and slams the staff into the ground. A purple light pulses outward from where the staff connects, making all the campers look up and have a sudden urge to be calm.

"Thank thee for thy attention," She says. "I would like thy attention for a few minutes please. The person who threw the knife was Vivian, daughter of Order and primordial of the sky. With her was her son, Disfor, primordial of escapes, trips, traps, and mischievousness."

The campers faces have gone white. They look even more afraid then they did before the giant war. And they should be. I have seen the might of Chaos' children. I can only imagine the havoc Order himself can wreck.

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