Chapter 44

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Percy's POV

When I return to Camp Half Blood, its well past midnight. I appear next to a sleeping Peleus before heading to the great army cabin. Careful as to not wake anybody, I slide the door open before creeping through the dark kitchen. As I reach the stairs, I hear a familiar voice.

"Percy?" Triton groans sleepily. I turn around to find the living room couches filled with sleeping forms. Thyella leans against Triton, fast asleep. My mom has a bunch of paperwork on lap, but she's dozing. Reyna works wearily by the fire light on her fingertips. Looking around, I see Sparrow, Pax, Ariana, Ricky, Izabella, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Ivory.

"Triton? What are you guys still doing up?" I ask.

My brother slides Thyella gently off of his shoulder and stands up. "We were too worr- I mean mom was too worried about you to sleep," He covered up his mistake.

"Thanks, bro," I replied.

"Yeah, don't go running off like that again. You really had mom and Bianca flipping out. Even Reyna was worried, " Triton ran his hand through his black hair.

"Sorry, I just needed to clear my head for a while," I said, ashamed that my friends would stay up for me.

"So did the category fifteen hurricane help?" Triton smiled mischievously at me.

"You could sense that?"

"Duh, champion of storms here. Anyways, we should be getting up to bed," Triton turned and picked Thyella. "Good to have you back, Percy, " He clapped my shoulder before kneeling next to Reyna. "Rey, Percy is back. You should go up to bed."

The commander of the great army shook herself awake before packing up her stuff. Triton proceeds to wake the others up, all with Thyella in his arms. My mom gives me a tight hug while Nico and Pax slap my back in a brotherly way. Hazel gives me her trademark sisterly kiss on the cheek. Frank and Ricky nod, the latter carrying a sleeping Ariana. Sparrow, Izabella, and Ivory all give me hugs before heading up stairs.

A few stairs up, Sparrow turns. "Bianca was really worried about you, Percy."

"Bianca, where is she?" I asked, just now realizing I didn't see her here with the others.

"Just go to bed, Percy," Sparrow smiles before ascending the steps. I follow her branching off to my room.

Once inside my room, I summon a ball of water, lighting it so I can see. Curled up on my bed, in a mass of covers, is Bianca. Her position shows that she was trying to stay up but fell asleep. Once sitting upright, she is now curled forward. I step forward, brushing a long lock of black hair out of her faces. Eyelids fluttering, her midnight blue eyes open slowly.

"Percy?" She murmurs.

"I'm here, Angel," I whisper. "Lets get you to your room," I move to pick her up.

"No," She says quietly but firmly. Grabbing my shirt, Bianca pulls me down onto the bed next to me. For someone half asleep, she's stronger than I thought. Not that I don't think she isn't strong... Oh, nevermind. You get the idea. Bianca's made up her mind and I can't change it. "You are staying right here mister."

"I don't mind that," I wrap my arms around her.

Bianca buries her face in the crook of my neck. I have to smile. Its hard not to when you're with one of the people you love most in your life, the girl of your dreams.

As she falls asleep, I hear her whisper. "I love you, Percy."

Kissing her head, I murmur, "I love you Bianca," Her steady breathing against my neck is comforting. Once I'm sure she is asleep, I vow. "I won't let you die, Bianca di Angelo. I take the vow of the golden river. You won't die while I live," With that I fall asleep.

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