Chapter 42

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Percy's dream after he was knocked unconscious

I woke to feel myself floating, weightless. My eyes squinted against the bright light as I tried to remember where I was and what I had been doing. The battle with Tycoy and the assault on camp comes rushing back to me as I sat up. I could still feel Tycoy's blade piercing my stomach, but the pain was gone for now. I looked down to my stomach to see a large gaping hole right where he stabbed me. Trying to feel the wound, my hand disappeared as it tried to touch the hole. I couldn't help but gasp.

"Not very nice looking?" A light feminine voice asked.

Looking up, I took in my surroundings for the first time. I was in a room with light purple walls and a white bed which I was laying on. A woman with long purple hair and matching violet eyes sits on a chair beside the bed. Her skin is fair and her white dress is familiar.

"The threads of life?" I guessed, instantly dropping in a kneel. Here was a power older than Helix himself!

The woman smiled a gentle smile, one exactly like the one my mom, Sally, always gave, I mean, used to give me. "I see Mari did her job well. No need to bow to me either, young one. For the threads of destiny have no power, just sight."

Remembering Mair and the night Bianca and I saw her heal Rachel from Vivian's knife. Bianca! How could I have forgotten?

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but are my friends okay? Did Bianca live?" Then a crazy thought occurred to me. "Am I dead?"

The threads chuckles. "No, you are not dead yet. You have won this battle, but with many losses. Soon your friends will find you on the battlefield. But first, walk with me."

Getting to my feet, I was surprised I could still walk. Threads floated gracefully beside me. We left the room, continuing into a bright hallway that looked like what would be heaven with the brightness everywhere. The threads stops at a large glass window and peers inside. The room is a soft golden color with a single crib in the middle. A man stands inside holding a small white bundle while a woman strokes the baby's cheek.

"Do you know how many children I have, Percy?" She asks me.

"Umm," I stutter.

"This is Order," Threads gestures to the baby. "I helped Helix create him. But there is a rule in the first beings, that whenever there is one thing, the opposite must also be there."

"Order is rules and well, Order," She says as we continue to the next glass window. "You can guess who came next."

"Chaos, he's the flip of Order," I estimate.

"Yes," Threads agrees as we stop at the next window. Two little boys, one wearing white, the other black, wrestled lightly with each other. Helix and Threads stand nearby, happy smiles on their faces. "The universe was at balance once again," We walk on.

"Have you ever heard of my children?" She asks as we walk.

My eyebrows knit in confusion. "Umm, Order and Chaos?"

"No, after Helix and I created Chaos and Order, I realized just how much I wanted a child of my own. Soon the second woman, Oblivion was born."

A small girl sits alone in the next room we stop outside of. She has red hair with white streaks and matching red eyes. She looks so sad and lonely, I want to go inside and comfort her. Only at the age of one at the most, she doesn't deserve to be alone.

"This is Oblivion?" I ask.

"She is the nothingness in the world, the empty space," Threads replies.

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