Chapter 15

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Percy's POV

Reyna and I are running as quietly a we could. From all the battles I had fought in, I had a long endurance. Reyna probably had pretty good endurance, but we both knew we couldn't run forever.

Just as I was thinking this, a silver arrow launches from the trees in front of us. I pull Reyna sideways with me, not stopping. Artemis curses behind us.

"We need to get to an open field," Reyna says, as we run. "We can force her into close combat there."

I nod and we continue until we reach a clearing in the woods. "This will be as good as it gets. Go to the trees and iris message Bianca and tell her what's happening ," I say drawing Riptide. Reyna draws her gladius for the rainbow and runs off.

The grass rustles behind me and I swing riptide just in time for me to block the strike of a sword. There is immense power behind, a power I have fought before.

"Ares," I say with loathing, as we lock swords again.

"That's right, punk. Now you have to die," He spits in my face. It isn't normal spit, it seems to be made of fire. I bellow with rage and attack with renewed vigor. Apparently the curse of Achilles does nothing for burns. We exchange thrusts and parries so quickly our swords are a blur. My sword is hardly doing any damage. I know what I have to do.

I loosen my grip on riptide and slow my strike, pretending to be tired. Ares isn't expecting this and he continues to swing his sword fast, effectively knocking riptide out of my hand. It goes flying towards the edge of the clearing, but I'm not worried about it. It will return to my pocket later. Assuming I live that long. Ares swings his blade across at me but I leap back out of range. Ares, expecting to hit me, falls flat on his face. I draw Diarkis out of my pocket, turning it into sword mode. I charge at Ares with Diarkis raised above my head. Ares leaps to his feet and attempts to hit me, but I jump to the side at the last possible moment. I jab him in the side with Diarkis and Ares howls in pain, dropping to one knee. I kick him in the chest and he flies backwards. I walk up to him and stab him in the leg, then ram the hilt of my sword into his head. He lays there unconscious but still breathing. It will remove him from the fight a little.

"Very good, very good," A voice says behind me.

I turn around to see Artemis standing there, with her hunting knifes in her hands.

"Well fought, but Apollo has already killed the boy and the girl," She says, twirling a hunting knife. My heart leaps to my throat. Nico? Ivory? No! My eyes narrow.

"You want a fight, lady? Come and get it," I snarl.

Artemis smiles evilly and charges me. I sidestep her first strike, but are unprepared to meet the foot to my shin. As we circle around each other, I catch a glimpse of Reyna fighting Athena. It is a even battle for both are very skilled, but Athena is slowly gaining the upper hand. I turn my attention back to my fight with Artemis. Simultaneously, we charge each over.

Artemis is one of the most skilled Olympians I have ever faced. She is light on her feet, thinks well, and is strong. Our blades meet and jab even faster than Ares's and I's blades did. She goes for an over head blow with one knife while blocking Diarkis with the other. I roll to the side and jab her in the back of the leg with my sword. The combination of celestial bronze and mortal steel makes her scream. The mortal steel shouldn't affect immortals, but instead it lessen their mortality. I stand up behind her and slash her back with my sword, but she spins fast enough to catch the strike on her dual hunting knifes. Using the knifes, she pushes my sword towards me with her knifes. I anticipate the trick and swing my sword up and slam the hilt into her head. She crumbles like a rag doll. I stab Diarkis into both her legs, immobilizing her for the time being.

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