Chapter 23: Existence

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    "Bells! Bells! Get out of your daze!" A man with black hair and a lab coat exclaims. Bells senses are tingling and he does not know where he is. Everything around them is coated in a creamy caramel color. Familiarity of the man's features begins to set in. "Doctor Ganashbe!" Bells spits the name out of his mouth like it was a contaminant. "They said you were dead but I knew... I knew you were alive! Now, you are here with all of your planned destruction. So, you want to torcher me? Is that it?" Bells asks.

"I am not your Doctor Ganashbe. I am from a different dimension. My name is Jason Ganashbe...I am not a doctor. I saved you because I do not want your Earth to be destroyed."

"What are you talking about? Where am I?"

"They deflected Planet X to your dimension. Instead of colliding with your Earth it set it on fire, but I want you to get your life back to the way it was. That is why  we are going to meet up with the Queen and King of my dimension. You can probably persuade them to reverse their actions."

"Why are doing this? Why do you care about my Earth?"

"I have nothing to lose. So, many people have died in my dimension because of the union of the Time Keeper and Queen Lysa. Many people enrolled their daughters in a competition and the fittest was supposed to win the Time Keeper's love and persuade him to not destroy our dimension. The competition was rigged! The Time Keeper already knew Lysa and he was already infatuated with her."

"She did do her job at the expense of destroying my planet?"

"You do not understand but I do not have time to explain everything to you in excruciating detail... They are responsible for my wife's death and there is only a few humans left on my planet. Most work in a small village. They experience raids and are hunted by the beings that are favored by the Time Keeper. To say that I loathe them is truly an understatement."

"So, you think that I can persuade them..."

"Yes, your father is a Barblack. He came from my dimension. His genus is favored by the Time Keeper."

"So, my father was a secret agent and I am half Barblack."

"Yes. Oh, we are here. This is where I have to leave you. The Time Keeper does not like humans in his presence besides his wife." 

     Bells pushes one of two stone doors forward. It leads to a room with cryptic green signs and dark blue markings on walls. He closes the door behind him and the markings shine a neon-blue light. A male comes out of a hidden room with a green sign on it. His frosty, grey eyes has a glossy purple undertone making you question what his true eye color is. His skin did not quite hold a specific color for a long period of time. His hair shifted from white and black at different intervals of time.  He glanced in Bells' direction. A small brown woman walks out of the same room and waves at Bells. She smiles and shows a hint of her small teeth. Her faded black curls sit on her shoulders like a cloud. 

"Hello," the male says.

"Hello, I am Bells from the dimension that just got it's Earth incinerated by Planet X."

"You are Svic's son. He was a great Barblack but I smell human on you."

"There were a lot of humans existing there before it was bathed in flames. Also, my mother is human. Why do you hate humans?"

"I do not hate humans. My wife is human! I just believe they should be controlled from what I have seen from other dimensions. They lack discipline and that eventually ruins their dimensions like an infection. Do you understand my perspective, now?"

He grabs his wife's right hand and squeezes it a bit. "Queen Lysa, please think of your kind. Convince your husband to rewind this demolition." Bells says thinking of his wife, son and unborn child. Queen Lysa places her free hand on her stomach. She moves to walk away and her husband keeps a firm grip on her hand. She looks Bells directly in his eyes. "My dimension will be decimated if he reversed his actions. I..." Queen Lysa says.

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