Chapter 12: Ease In

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                                                              Next Day Somewhere in Bahamas

Sam wakes up in a sunset lit room with a blue comforter covering half of his body. He looks around but no one is in the room with him. He does not know where he is. He leaves the room and goes down the stairs of the two level building. He enters lobby with a wooden front desk.

White flowers that are in vases sit on the counter. A woman rearranges the flowers and Sam walks up to her because no one is at the counter. “Hello, I would like to know something,” Sam says. “What would you like to know, Sir?” The woman asks.

“Where am I?” Sam asks. “You are in the Bahamas, Sir.” She says. “I am in the…,” Sam runs back to the room he came from to see his butler laying on the bed with his hands covering his face.

“What the… why am I in the Bahamas?” Sam asks. “We are here for your safety,” the butler says.“What about Bells, Tetris, and Casey? I have to find them. What will I do without my team?”

“They are dead, Sam. The cult or a gang is after all of you.”

“How do you know this, Mr. Undercover Detective? I am sorry. I should have said paranoid!”

“I am trying to help you.”

“I do not need your help. I do not need you to care. I just need you to do your job!”

“I am doing my job. What are you talking about?”

“Are you really doing this for me or is it for you? Do you think that your life is in danger and that is why we are hiding?”

“If that was the case, I would have left you as soon as I thought about your crew dying and you being hunted down by a gang or that cult.”

“I have to find them.”

“We should go to the beach. I heard the water is nice and clear.”

“You are so lucky I like going to the beach. This is not over. We will discuss this later.”

The butler walks to the back of the hotel and the beach is calm as the moon shines upon it. Sam strips off his clothes and runs in to the water. He dives underneath the water and when he comes up for air he sees a man with black clothes walk up to his sleeping butler with a gun in his hand. The man shot the butler with a silver pistol that has a silencer attached to it. Sam began to breathe heavily. He feels guilty because his butler was right and he did not believe him.

On the Plastic Sphere

Janz is sitting beside Alza in the bed reading a book. Someone knocks on the door and Janz ignores the knocking. Cynthia opens the door and walks in. She whispers”, I am sorry.” “Leave,” Janz says.

“No. I want you to accept my apology. I feel horrible.”

“I will teach you how to control yourself, later. Leave.”

“Wait, I have to ask you about the doctor. When is he going to come here and confirm our pregnancies… if there is any?”

“Well, I am sure you both are pregnant and if you are not we can try again later. The doctor will come eventually.”

“You do not know.”

“I do not know?”

“No, you have not tested us and you are not the doctor.”


“I need you, right now. I feel really guilty.”

“That is not my problem. Leave.”

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