Chapter 8: Assembly

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"Anything you guys might want to add?" I asked them after the terribly long silence.

They all looked at me with an unknown emotion. Interestingly, I felt better. After years of beating myself up about the secret, everything is out; the truth will set me free. A huge sigh of relief escaped my lips. Living a life with a lie is like living a double reality. It makes you feel better that you are in control of things, but it is tedious and tiresome at some point. I have remembered countless times that I have bit my tongue for the sake of stopping myself mid-confessing the truth to Samuel or Ma for the past years.

I guess I just need someone else to whom I can be totally true. Dealing with the catastrophic encounter with my then parents left me battered and broken for months. My generals had sensed it, my people had sensed it, and, of course, Samuel knew about it and barged through my doorway. As he hugged me, I felt like crying and breaking down. I held my breath in a controlled sequence, clearing the vibe of unwanted emotion. I can not tell him what is going on, at least not yet. So I made up an excuse about being devastated about still not having a mate, which is pretty acceptable for werewolves. He informed MA and the other royals to avoid any misinformation about my sudden change of emotion.

But looking at their locked stares at me gives me the creeps, as if I'm some kind of unknown specimen. I saw Levi with his eyebrows scrunched and his lips slightly pouted. I stopped the giggle that was threatening to escape from my lips.

"You're cute," I mind-linked to him.

He immediately squinted his eyes at me and then squared his shoulders. I guess someone doesn't like being called cute. He put a small sly smirk on his face. Damn.

"Cute?" he mind linked back in return. He's my mate? I might say, I am unbelievably grateful to the wolf goddess.

I rolled my eyes at him exaggeratedly. I have to play hard to get. He just grinned in return and stretched his hands across the back of my chair.

"So, how did you get into the camp? How did you survive the camp when you were a natural born human? Are you sure you were born a human? You did not hurt your head or something? Torrey, are you okay? Are you dead serious? What if this macho mate of yours drugged you? Huh? Tell me and I'm going to beat his ass. " Samuel really has a way with his words, just precise words that could potentially get him into trouble. I released another huff of breath as I saw in my peripheral vision, my mate flexing his arms and intertwining his fingers as his elbow rested on the table.

Oh no. I don't think I'm going to like this one. I don't feel like being in a fight right now, at least.

I decided to stop both of them before it escalated further. "Okay, so here's the deal." I interrupted both of them just as I saw my mate's veins on his forehead. Clearly, his wolf does not like the idea of someone labelling him as a threat to his own mate.

"Sam, the jewelry's power transcends into my being. The ancient wolf in the bangle twined its soul to mine, hence I have Reina. I have no idea what happened to my family back in the Philippines. I visited them once last year, and it is weird; they do not have any memory of me, or even my whole existence. That is when it hit me. My whole existence vanished from the human world. The moment my eyes got transfixed with Reina, I shifted my reality and being into a were. " I explained, making each word resonate in their thick little heads. I also calmed down looking at my now relaxed and composed mate. Samuel looks convinced but not pleased with what I have said. I understand that look, Sam.

"It is still me, Samuel." I am still your best friend. I was about to tell you the truth, but I always knew it was not the right time. At least not yet. I hope you understand. " I mentioned it in the mind link.

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