CHAPTER 12: Revelation

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"Good morning." I greeted Levi as his eyes flattered open, still half awake. He gave me a warm smile as his hands snaked around my waist and he hugged me tight.

"Good morning!" He greeted me back while his face was on my neck. His hot breath fanning my skin made the hair on my neck tingle.

I traced his biceps with my right hand, which supported his back as he completely lay on me. His muscles flexed as my fingertips grazed his skin ever so lightly. He has a muscular physique, muscles in the right places, werewolf genes, thus helping with their exemplary genetics, but to achieve his bod, he has to have some workout routine.

"Do you have a morning routine?" I asked him as I heard his light snores. It was morning and he shouldn't sleep any further. It's unhealthy. He nods while kissing my throat.

"Yeah? I'm all in though, you? " I do work out too, but I prefer light ones like yoga. It makes me calm my mind. Nothing too heavy and rigorous in my routine because I don't want to be too sweaty.

"Out." I hummed in return. I expected that though, but what I really am wondering is why is he not up and going yet?

"Are you going to skip the gym today?" I asked since he's still keeping himself busy with my neck.

"Hmm, do you want me to?" Yes. But I know how important routine is, at least for me. If I messed up one routine, even just a minute off, the whole day is already off the cliff.

"Nah, you can go. I'll do my yoga exercises here. " I gave him an assured smile. I am aware that he does not want to leave me. Reina had contact with Levi's wolf for a while, and he mentioned how Levi is so worried about the Rogue King's vendetta against me.

"It's okay, you can go. You don't have to worry about me. I'm in Olympus. I'll mind link you. " I said while combing his hair back while his eyes still looked worried. I gave him a small kiss on the head that made his eyes flutter shut for a while.

He looked at me like he was still doubting whether he should go or not, while I was nodding continuously. At last, he released a big breath and hugged me tighter around my waist. Is that a no?

"Bye. Take care. I'll be quick. Mind link me if something happen. Or if you miss me. " He said it quickly, dashing to the door with an unconvincing look.

"You wish." I replied with a laugh while he gave me a small wink.

"Levi does not want to go."

"Levi wants to stay."

Reina has been bugging the same lines in my head for an hour now. I have done my yoga exercises and have finished them with flying colors, though I could have a better mood if my wolf just stopped guilt tripping me. I know he's worried. I can feel it in the mate bond.

I heard voices behind the door. A knock comes afterwards.


"Who's that?" I asked. It can't be the maids since they would not even dare knock so loudly that the whole door is shaking.

"Samuel," a voice answered from the other side, before one side of the door was pushed ajar with a force I assume will break this door before the day ends.

"And Alistair" The two walked directly onto my bed and grabbed the strawberry plate on the bedside table. They were clearly at ease in my presence.

"Come in." I said sarcastically. Argh! I haven't taken a bath yet and I already have goosing in my room.

"Hi!" Alistair said as he noticed me looking at him while he was on the bed with his shoes. "Hey!" he complained as I kicked him off the bed. Let's have a little decorum. No. Shoes. On. The. Bed. I huffed and took a quick bath while the two watched some TV on my bed. I wore a cropped leather jacket and leather jeans paired with leather boots. I love leather. I walked out of my closet when I noticed Samuel with a pouty expression and his brows furrowed so closely that it almost looked like a unibrow.

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