CHAPTER 19: Formal Coronation

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For months after the war, I have been granted access to the empress's room by Olympus. The former king and queen reside in the west hall, for they were not permitted to access the main royal room by the magical laws of Olympus.

Everything is purple and gold, from the tapestries to the mat, the foam, the designs in each doorway, it is all blossomed by the empire's colors.

Two steps from the two-way doorway, the door is still closed. There is no lock that secures this place, only the magic of Olympus. I stepped closer until my head was almost touching the door and it was still closed. I breathe heavily. I have no problem residing in the west hall or any room for that matter. I just want to see if Olympus has deemed me worthy of the authority so far, and from what I can see, I doubt that.

I counted from 1 to 70, taking deep breaths in between, hoping Olympus would take pity on me.

I guess not. I took two steps back, still facing the door, and turned to walk away just as a noise was heard. I looked back and saw the two doors ajar.

"Can I come in?" I asked, not knowing exactly who I was talking to.

The intricate designs in the doorframe flashed bright gold light. I guess that's a yes.

Slowly, I took the few steps until I saw the room. Or should I say a whole palace as a room? 

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(credits to the rightful owner of the picture.)

I guess this is it. Olympus accepts me. The people accepted me. All I need is to accept the crown tomorrow.

Olympus is bursting with joy and a crowd. Everyone is excited and dressed for the occasion. The men wore their finest suits and ties while the women flaunted their silk dresses and jewelries. Everyone is dressed to the nines because this only happens every century. The crowd cheering our anthem makes my heart swell with pride. There is howling and growling as the part comes to the song, and I can't help but laugh with joy.

O' heavens the Olympus the home of the hone.

The heart of the crown and the soul of the wolves

Together with the empires, we sing the song of Howl.

Civilized and organized werewolves, we all growl.

As we gnash our teeth with strength, fit measured width and length.

We fight for the lives of the souls of our kind.

This is the oath each one of us, wolf souls at our bind.

O' O' Olympus sore to preserve werewolves lore.

Together with the empires, we sing the song of Howl.

Civilized and organized werewolves, we all growl.

Howls and growls are exclaimed around the empire, making the ground rumble. The nerve that I didn't feel earlier started attacking me with anxiety. Just how fast did it happen to be my day?

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