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I never thought I could be wrong, so wrong like this.

"Hi! I'm Samuel, Torrey's bestfriend." Samuel said while offering his hand with a phony smile.

"I am her mate." The man replied in a clipped tone and shook Samuel's hand rather tight that it should be as I saw him grimaced a little bit.

"Alistair," "Aiden." The two brothers introduced themselves, and my mate gladly shook their hands normally. I saw Samuel subtly soothing his hand and I assume that my mate can see it in his peripheral vision as I saw a small glint of smirk in his face.

Nevertheless everything went completely fine and it was a smooth sailing breakfast.

We went to the small coffee table and decided to eat.

Apparently, that is just pure wishful thinking.

"Hey! I'm Samuel, Torrey's SOULMATE." Samuel said while offering his hand with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I gave motioned my one hand across my neck signaling him to stop the game he's playing. Newly marked wolves are vicious and sensitive to each other and Samuel is acting like a threat to my mate's wolf. 

I was him glanced at me with raised eyebrows so I moved my hair out of my neck and pointing the bite mark. I saw his eyes widen a fraction but the mischievous smile stayed. 

"I am her MATE." The man replied emphasizing the last word, replying in a clipped tone and shook Samuel's hand. The latter averted his gaze from me to the person in front of him who seems very agitated with his presence. 

My mate stood there taller than Samuel he had to tilt his head higher to look at him eye to eye. I gave Alistair and Aiden a tilt of my head offering that maybe even on of them would one to intervene because this si not best time.

Both of them didn't let go of each other's hand instead they stared at each other in challenge.

"Yeah, you are the mate. I am the soulmate. " Samuel said before laughing and looking at the man in front of him like he just said the most ridiculous thing ever.

I guess he is not letting the topic down. He decided to go of his hand with a scoff, and my mate begrudgingly forced a civil smile.

I noticed Samuel walking on my side before lacing our hands together I tried opening a mind link with him but he must have set a block because I can't send him a message.

My mate saw it and stared at me with a raised eyebrow and I just gave him a shrug as an answer because I honestly don't know what Samuel's game is. I' trying to move away from him but Samuel's hold from my shoulder is tight so I have to resort into pinching his sides.

My mate grabbed my hand and shook it off from Samuel's hold before my mate took his and they shook both hands again but this time Samuel lost as he averted his gaze after the staring contest.

I cleared my throat looking at Alistair and Aiden as I saw them standing their like mannequins looking at my mate. I saw Aiden whisper something to Alistair and it was too late but I heightened my senses just in time to catch the last word."

"Alistair," "Aiden." The two brothers introduced themselves, and my mate gladly shook their hands. But not like Samuel's, who has his hand the color of purple, the two brothers' hand seemed to be just fine. My mate probably was a little more welcoming to Samuel, I guess. We went to the small coffee table and decided to eat.

Now, I only have one thing to say, and that is, it is all just starting. The awkward silence towered over the whole room, making it feel suffocating.

Giving Aiden a side glare hoping he can clear the air or even melt the ice through a conversation starter, since he's good at it, he just smiled fakery at me in return before shaking his head.

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