CHAPTER 14: Threat

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Three wolves came, all with a pin of the South Kingdom on their chest. It must be the reinforcements Brody called for, but to General Gabe's despair, there's no carriage. They shifted into their human form as they reached a few steps in front of us. I have seen nakedness for a long time. Being a werewolf in action, there are times when wolves have to shift mid-attack to report some things to me. My mate, on the other hand, did not like this idea. He gave them a firm look before snaking his fingers over my eyes, covering my line of sight.

Brody released a side snicker.

"Alas!" Arkaiel exclaimed. He's been in a good mood since Aiden shared with him a piece of his chocolate.

"Hey!" Aiden complained as General Gabe grabbed his small pouch.

"Sorry, I was just looking for my ring." While his face was pale, General Gabe said.It must be one of his beloved accessories.

"Legionnaire Brody, the castle is prepared, the community is informed, everything is already settled; only your presence and your visitors are being awaited." I heard one wolf announced. I attempted to swat Levi's hand away, but his hold was firm but not hurting me.

"Well, let's go." Brody said, and I heard bones shift and my mate's hand lift from covering my vision. I saw 4 wolves; the bigger one must be Brody's. I watched the four of them walk through the narrow path, snapping twigs and branches on their way. They're experienced enough in these woods to walk on all fours on a path that can barely support two steps at the same time. Walking is bearable if there is nothing that hurts you on the way. I looked back and saw Levi walking behind me. His eyes snapped in my direction the same second I looked at him.

"Need anything, baby?" Looking at him at this angle makes me feel hot.

"Water. Do you have water? " I asked, my throat arched from dryness. He immediately grabbed his small bag that was wrapped around his waist and grabbed the jug of water. I gave him a grateful smile and drank half of the water.

"You can drink it all. We're near the South Kingdom, love. " He said as he watched me cap the half-drunk jug.

"Drink. You're dehydrated. " I ordered him. Miles on foot are tiresome. Not to mention, we didn't stop for rest the whole time before waiting for Brody's reinforcements. He thought for a while before grabbing the jug and chugging it all down. I gave him a small smile and continued walking on the path.

"We're here," I heard a voice say. I am a few steps away from him, so he must be seeing paradise because I see no kingdom in my line of sight.

"Where?" Aiden asked, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Here." General Boscov announced, which seems to be in agreement with Brody and his wolves.

"Where?" This is crazy. I realized that we have been trekking through forests to go to the South Kingdom where cold and ice reside. How come?

"Hmm. Do you have witches on your home Legionnaire? " Arkaiel asked with a teasing voice. Witches? I looked at Brody, giving him a questioning look, but he was just looking at the rogue.

If no one can answer my question, then I have to talk to the head.

Levi's What is this? Do you know about this? I asked him.

The South has witches. He answered shortly. Wow, talk about the obvious.

Yeah, Anything else? I pushed him. I know he's going to say it to me one way or another, I have never been to the South since it's the farthest.

Well, they managed to grow a forest so naturally on a glacier island. One coven of witches owed the South Kingdom a century ago because they gave them something. Right. If Brody was not with us, I would have panicked, because there's no way I would believe anyone when they'll say we are near the South Kingdom while we are also in a forest. They don't connect.

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