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"Levi! Let's go! The coronation in the east is today! " The king shouted at my door. I gritted my teeth from frustration. I'm doing this for you, Geronemo.

When my cousin and the King got into a fight that killed him, he made me promise to keep an eye on the queen. Geronemo was a kind man who helped me with so many things and skills growing up. He's my mentor in understanding the fundamentals of our gift.

"Coming." I left in a huff. I would hate to look at Geronemo's eyes in the afterlife after the queen tried flirting with me. She knew he was my cousin, and she tried to make a move on me while she had a mate, so I thought she was so low for that. But that was before I noticed how she didn't care about me, she cared about my face. There are some resemblances between me and my cousin that made me realize he was looking at him, not me. Seeing him, not me. Love can make you crazy, indeed, and their cases are the rare ones.

"Hi!" I heard someone greet me the moment I stepped out of my room. I turned and saw the queen, blushing while tucking her hair behind her ears. Before, I always had the feeling of lashing out every time she acted like this, but right now, all I have is pity. She needs you, Geronemo.

"Hello, your majesty." I greeted her professionally and it worked. Suddenly, her expression changes. Certain keywords can make her change, just like mentioning her royal duties and labels. The king appeared behind her back and I gave both of them a small bow.

"Levi! C'mon! Wear your hat and keep your head low; no one needs to know about you right now. " He said, and I watched as the queen's face twitched as the king snaked his arms around her waist. What a sad fairytale love they have. I closed the door, hoping to come back as soon as possible and take a nap after all this coronation was done.

That's what I thought.

I thought wrong.

I did not get a wink of sleep last night. I saw her. My mate.

"Levi, here we are." Don't stay far away; keep your head low. Don't be so suspicious. We'd be back after sunset." The king said and left me to fend for myself in this foreign land. I don't really mind. I walked down the high hill and sat on the top beside the tree, watching everything from afar. I saw the sons of the royals step out of the other carriage. As much as everyone respects them, they are not honored. Just a few bows and passive responses, not a cheer. I pity the royals, but I don't really feel bad. The king never does his own work; he makes other people decide, do, and move, then takes all the credit. The queen doesn't even care about taking her role aside from buying expensive linens and products here and there. The sons are cool and very effective, but the shadow of their parents looms above their heads, enabling them to have a reputation they do not deserve.

Go down. My wolf suddenly mind linked me.

Now, He repeated with a firm voice, like he was trying to control himself.

I smell something. He explained, begging me to move.

What? I asked as I slid off the hill.

We'll see. He huffed while slightly growling.

I pushed myself to move forward by squeezing myself into the crowd. The closer I go, the wilder my wolf is becoming. Until I smelled it. That smell makes me want to put my guard down. The smell of home: vanilla with a mix of scented woods. Mate.

I turned my head side to side trying to trace her, but no luck. Her fume is everywhere and it's intoxicating.

"The wolves of the east, I call you to your peace. To show a new lineage of legionnaires to lead your kingdom. This is a historical event that would be passed down from your sons to their sons. It is indeed an honor indeed to witness the two crowned legionnaires, and one of them is at your service. Show yourselves. " The werewolf announced this with a wide smile that didn't match the audience's.

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