Chapter Ten

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(Ajoni's Journal) Entry Five

The Cosmo storm hasn’t stopped: this is lame. Dante is trying to give me the silent treatment for getting us her, and I have nothing to do.

            So I sat in the kitchen (my favorite room), I ate, I cleaned, I made a mess just to clean it up. Yes to answer all of those unasked questions I did bake. Okay fine Mr. Honesty box I baked a lot, cookies, cakes, brownies, pie, pudding en flambé, cheese soufflé, and yes I even baked a triple layered wedding cake (okay so there was a wedding and I decided to cook for it, I was the self proclaimed caterer person- dude-lassie.

            And that was my week, and the next day, and the next day.

            Okay so one day was different, and definitely not a good change in my routine. According to my therapist routine is the key without it I will tip over the edge and enter the state of being completely utterly insane. So do you want to know how this came to be? Yes good, or no—I’ll tell you anyway because I really have nothing else to do. Okay so that is partly my fault, but still Dante is just being sensitive, he refuses to leave the engine room, so we can’t play hide and seek.

            So it all begins at dinner, so I’m gonna skip all of my boring life. So Dante still refuses to talk to me, or leave the engine room, but me and Sarg had to have our ‘lest get all on the same page, because none of us really know what we are doing’ talk.

            “Okay, so original kickass crew, dump the Armada babies, then what?” He asked. Now what, good question. Why is it that I always find myself asking now what? I somehow appeared at the Starfleet academy, Now what? Become the best damned commander there is, yup did that. Got called a Terrorist, Now what? Self proclaimed myself insane to make the President seem like a fool, yup sort of, hope he’s proud, it make the news, he didn’t comment I’ll take that as a win. Stuck at the StarStation, Now what? Wait for the crew; get the crew, then WHAT?

            “I think that we should investigate and see exactly how strong Armada is on the planets and find the one planet that they don’t have complete control over, find the weakest link exploit it, free the planet, and begin to scare the crap out of the president, and proceed to the next planet, and the next and the next” I stated thinking out loud, “But...” I paused.

            “But what?” He asked prodding me more I feel like a fish being examined.

“We need cash, to pay the crew, well I need cash, my bank account will only last so long, and I’d like that for emergencies and for ships maintenance, so we need to get rich quick….” I paused again, rob a bank, but we are not criminals, well I’m already a terrorist, I’ll figure something else out, I hope.

            “And???” He asked

            “I’ll figure something out.” I muttered


            “Don’t I always?” I asked, he rolled his eyes, okay yeah I know we are in one hell of a pickle; I can see that, the pressure is all on me, GAWD!

            “Excuse me?” A man, a Gyptain man, said looking directly at me, by the looks of him he has been through one hell of a storm.

            “Yes?” I replied, at least he’s polite.

            “I could help but over hear, that you are looking for a crew” he stated, Sarg was about to open his big fat mouth

            “Sarg I’ve got this, go eat, sleep, check on Dante, he’s AWOL - away without leave - now every single night I want him in the loop, fill him in please” I pseudo-commanded then turned to the stranger

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