Chapter Fourteen

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(Dante's Journal) Entry Seven

Wow, and you wonder why I didn’t miss him? And I know he messed with Ajoni’s mind she doesn’t give up that easily. Again, you wonder why I don’t like him in the first place. Come on, monopoly quotes? That’s just lame. But he’s still a threat to Ajoni’s heat, and I don’t like it, no, not one bit.

When Talon and I finally left my – yes it is MY – engine room, I went straight to bed. All this fighting, and yelling, and trying to figure out the brain of Talon was exhausting.

Forgetting to do anything except crawl underneath my sheets, I laid my head on the pillow and fell into a coma sense.

The picture was black and white. I saw a quiet scene, a forest. Ajoni was standing in the middle. There was a quaint little cottage beside the babbling brook she looked down at her arms; they were adorned with hundreds of bangles. She looked terrified. I didn’t understand any of it, but I knew this was not my dream, it was Ajoni’s. I was stuck I her dream and couldn’t do anything.

We saw him at the same time. Ajoni tried to walk away, run as fast as she could away from him, but her body refused to move. I couldn’t help her, we were both helpless. Me having to watch this and her having to live this. He was coming closer.  I tried to scream for her to run, but nothing came out. I promised her she would never see this monster again, and I failed.

He started to stroke her hair; I fisted my hands in anger. He then whispered something into her ear. She smiled. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her towards the house.

Ajoni looked right at me as if she could see me, I felt helpless. I couldn’t move from where I was. She was dragged into that infernal house! The door opened, they went in. The door closed itself. I couldn’t help her; I failed Ajoni and my father. My promise broken. My stomach tumbled around, making me feel sick, and I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms, but it wasn’t real.

I woke up gasping for air and had to run into the washroom to throw up.

What the hell was going on? Was that my dream? Haunting me? It couldn’t have. No. That had to be Ajoni’s. Oh God! They’re coming back!

I ran out of the bathroom and slipped into a pair of blue plaid pj pants and forgot all about a shirt as I ran down the corridors to Ajoni’s room.

“Hey, you awake?” That was a really stupid question, I knew she was awake, but I spoke softly through the door as I opened it slowly.

“Apparently.” She stated, sounding like she got the same awakening as I did.

“You don’t sound overly happy about it… Did I wake you?” I looked behind me. That’s where Ajoni’s attention had gone. What was wrong? I was wearing pants. Whatever, back to the situation on hand.

“Why should I be happy to be awake at this hour, and no. So are you gonna stand at my door all night, or are you going to come in and have a real conversation? Generally speaking that’s what happens when people venture to other peoples rooms in the middle of the night.”

“I’ll come in.” I said softly, I’m not sure, but I think she’s still mad.

“Well then, do it.”

“I am!” I yelled, couldn’t she see that?

“What the fuck do you want now? To make me look like shit in front of the new Commander in training? Well? Yell at me more? See just how much of your stupid gay ass PMS shit I’m going to deal with?” she asked, and now I’m pretty sure she is still mad at me.

“I’m sorr—“ I tried to speak, but Ajoni cut me off.

“I don’t want to hear it! Your stupid gay ass can get the fuck off my ship, because I am DONE with this shit. I have a crew to lead and a job to do, but since that has nothing to do with your stupid engines, you couldn’t give a damn! No one is keeping you here.” She flung that at me. Where on earth did that come from? Confused and hurt that she actually felt that way. Has it always been like that? Was she happier when I wasn’t here?

“Ajoni, I-I—“ I stammered. I didn’t know what to say.

“I really don’t care how much you need some gay ass sex, okay?”

“It’s not that.” I muttered. Okay weird ad really, REALLY awkward.

“I have something for you,” she picked up a piece of paper from the table and handed it to me. “Here.” I looked at it briefly, yet not really looking at it.

“What the hell is this? An apology letter?” I said kind of laughing.

“You don’t deserve an apology, but I do though.”

Okay whatever, it seemed like we were on all right grounds again. “Whatever.” I walked out the door.

I heard the loud slam of the door behind me, and then the tantrum came. I heard the assault of projectiles on the door and the piercing scream. Smirking, I left down the hall. I ended up back in my room, sprawled on my bed, asleep. I don’t know how long I was out for, but it only felt like minutes until I was awake again, and I was starving.

Getting up, I realized I wasn’t wearing a shirt; maybe that’s why Ajoni looked at me weird. I went through my bag and grabbed a greasy – okay so all of my shirts were greasy. Still half asleep I dragged my feet to the kitchen. I came to a halt in front of Sarg.

“Oh, hey Sarg. What are you doing here?” Sarg just looked at me. Okay? What was his problem? I at least put a shirt on.

"You know she’s really pissed off at you. Still. And this ship will not go anywhere with Ajoni locking herself in her room! You stupid idiot! God, nothing is different, she still wants you off this ship.” Sarg shook his head, turned around and walked away.

Okay so two blows in one day, this is not easy to take. So Ajoni was still pissed off at me, nothing is going right; it looked like I was still in the wrong. Great.

End Transmission.

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