Chapter Twenty-Two

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What the hell. Okay, to sum it up, Talon and I went at it, Ajoni got in the way. My fist hit her in the gut and Talons hit her shoulder. I don’t know what we did to her, but she just walked away, guns in her hands, her knuckles white as sheets, in a huff.

                I stood up and brushed myself off, Talon did the same, but I wasn’t abou to let him just leave, no. he is not the one to get the last word in. I am. As soon as he was up, my fist shot out towards his face, unfortunately he saw it coming and grabbed my wrist, twisted and then brought his elbow down onto my arm, snapping both my wrist and my arm. Instead of screaming, I let out a gust of air and Talon dropped my arm.

                Through clenched teeth, I swore. “We say nothing to Ajoni. Nothing about the fight and absolutely nothing about my arm.” I smirked. “Especially knowing what she would do to you if she ever found out.”

                “Bastard. Fine, deal. Neither of us says anything about this, ever.”

                I nodded and walked away. Grinding my teeth together, I held my arm against my side and went to the engine room; Ajoni wouldn’t need me for a while, so I’ll hide here. I slammed the door behind me and kicked my desk. Damn that hurt! I plopped down on the chair, examining my arm. It was definitely broken. I would bet Talon’s like – although that’s not a very important life – okay, let’s say Ajoni’s life, that my ulna was broken along with a few bones in my wrist. Horny little slut.

                There was only one way I could fix this on my own, and that involved a lot of pain. I bit down on a greasy rag and took a deep breath. Grabbing the lower half of my forearm, I pulled the bone back in place, at least now it can heal on its own. No cast or doctor needed.

                Taking deep breaths, I tried to hide the pain. It wasn’t working to well. The cloth only muffled my screams.

                My arm hung beside me as I looked over the piles of paperwork sitting on my desk. I suppose there is enough to keep me busy for a whole two weeks. I needed at least six weeks to heal, and then hope to hell it’d be fixed by then.

                The almost silent click of the engine room door had me grabbing my gun from under my desk and pointed toward the door within seconds. My eyes were glued to the door as Sarg walked through. “Put that stupid, outdated, piece of crap electro shock taser shitty thing down. Get a new one. Now. Oh and next time you go for the kill, so help me god, think about the implications of the kill. Damn it, Centuri, get your act together, or at least act like you know what you are doing. You’re acting like a new kid on the job. I thought you were trained better than this. You’re a disgracing every name that went into training you, mine included.” Sarg walked up to my desk, grabbed a binder then left. Just like that.

                I was dumbstruck, what the hell did he know about my training? How the hell did he know my last name?

                Wait a minute. Only a handful of people knew I was trained for the kill, and only one teacher taught me to think before I killed. No…

                “Sarg! Wait a minute!” I took a few steps towards the door, until I heard Ajoni was there. Crap, I had gun in hand and my arm lying like a dead weight at my side. I needed to do something about that, and now.

                I jumped over my desk and slid my gun back into its holster under my desk, and sat as Ajoni stormed in, the binder Sarg had taken from me in her hot little hands. Ajoni marched down to my desk and slammed that same binder down, I looked up at her. Shit, did she know what was wrong? If so, I am so dead.

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