Chapter Six

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(Ajoni's Journal) Entry Three

I woke up at about lunchtime, dead tired. It was all Dante’s fault; seriously that kid doesn’t know how to shut up. Before I had my morning coffee; the Armada baby decided to give the 4-1-1. The Oceania crew left, they needed a push, and refused all supplies from my ship, which is just fine with me.

After my cup of bad Armada coffee, I set to work, on my plan of getting rid of the Armada brats on my ship; the first one was the engineer. I grabbed the sleepy Dante and dragged him to the Engine Room. This was always his favorite room. All throughout Starfleet School, the engine rooms were where he was, if not in detention, while I broke out.

“Fix it.” Were his only command, but with that he got straight to work, see Starfleet actually know what they are doing, Armada are Wannabee’s. Now I have to find my crew, my crew filled with terrorists.

Okay, so a lot has been on my mind lately, most recently it’s how I was made a terrorist. I was on the Phoenix, as the commander in training mainly because I can drive. Anyway my commander left to take command of another ship, whose commander was a war prisoner. He left me in charge, and he never came back. Armada kept coming, I had to make the hard decisions, go with armada, or kill as many of those bastards as I can. I fought for the safety of the planet, I can’t remember. Because we fought Armada, and we were Starfleet: we were terrorists. I told the president I would take the blame, just as long my crew would get off the hook: innocent. He agreed, and that is how my life was ruined; again. And that’s that.

I had to find my Armada baby, I know for a fact that he would have access to the Armada database, so he can find my crew. Lucky me he was on the bridge, don’t worry Sarg was supervising.

“Armada baby, you finally have your uses.” I announced he looked at me. Sarg simply shook his head. “I want you to track down my original crew.”

“I won’t help a terrorist,” he sputtered okay that’s it this terrorist is a terrorist no longer.

“I am chronically insane! Got that I am not a terrorist you stupid, ignorant, retarded, conceited, daft, moom, of a human! Of all of the humans that I have met you are by far the worst in history! Of all the humans to have survived it just had to be the stupid self-righteous Americans, to make it worse, Texans!!! You have killed your own planet and system and now you want to ruin the galaxy! God Damnit!!!” I yelled then stormed off bastard.

I stormed around my ship for a while kicking things, punching things, growling, muttering death threats, the usual. Pissed off I had a nap. Yeah I know I’m not supposed to go to bed angry but I’m tired, blame Dante. I had a good nap besides the dream. That was one f-ed up dream, like h-core. So here’s how it went.

I don’t know exactly where I am, or when I am for that matter. The picture was black and white, or I should say I saw in black and white. I saw a quiet scene, a forest, with what I hope to be green trees, and moss. There was a quaint little cottage beside the babbling brook. I heard the brooks babbles, so I have sound.  I am not wearing my shoes. Where are my shoes? Why am I not wearing them? Why are they not on my feet? I like my shoes. What happened to them? I always, ALWAYS where my shoes when I am outside. I feel the lush, refreshing, cool tingle of the grass, which I hope is green, on my bare feet. Apparently I misplaced my socks; maybe that is why I am not wearing my shoes, because I can’t find my socks. My dream self is calling all of the shots, I hate that. She wanted to want all over the grass, filled with bugs, dirt, and animal wastes: NARSTY! I heard the soft jingle, a soft jingle that I somehow. She looked down at her arms; they were adorned with hundreds of bangles. Each one was unique: no two were the same. They symbolize something; I just know it, but what? They have to mean something, WHAT? I am sacred. Most people adore their dreams, for their dreams guide, give advice, share the secrets of life and so on, mine I’m lucky to wake up.

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