Chapter Eight

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(Ajoni's Journal) Entry Four

I was so out of it I didn’t realize that I was crying, nor did I know that Dante was following me. Like a fat kid on a cupcake, Dante had a mission and eventually caught up to me.

            “Ajoni, Hey calm down.” He said softly putting a hand on my shoulder; I hugged him in response, he then patted my back.

            “What is it? Ajoni you are not okay” he stated, so very ungay-like I should say. He barley spoke above a whisper, as if I already don’t know that I am not okay! Idiot.

            “I know I am not okay” I muttered, he smirked the gay bastard.

            “Talk to me” he ordered, I glared he knows he is one of the few that can actually on occasion tell me what to do. Without any real effort, I told him everything, my dream and all of my questions. One of the upsides to a gay best friend they never interrupt you, EVER! Of all of the penis bearers of the galaxy, I truly only trust two: LT. and Dante. The story behind why the dream is just so damned scary, and why I only trust two males in the galaxy is this: While I was in the Starfleet Academy, an Armada Commander broke in, well at that time the planet and the Armada had come to a compromise that Armada was not in control but they could observe planetary functions, the planet did not want to abolish Starfleet and replace that with Armada, but welcome Armada and the rule of the president just as long as its Starfleet was in tact, anyways that is way off topic. SO this one Armada Commander would come to the Academy quite regularly, he would rape the Gyptain girls, I was one that he liked very much. He took a liking to me, and decided that I was his to do whatever he wanted to, so he ended up raping me a lot.

            Once LT. found out hat was going on he was locked up in a high security Gyptain prison, oh did I mention the fact that it was a Gyptian planet at the time? Well it was, and the actions of that Armada commander was viewed as a war crime and the planet called war on Armada. Anyway I made a vow to never, EVER let a male take control over me again. Never again will I give in to fear.

            I can’t believe I was crying again.

            “Hey listen, he’s locked up forever, he is never getting out, and there is no way he can even look at you okay?” He asked, wiping away my tears. I nodded and gave him another hug.

            “I’m a terrorist, what am I thinking? I should just go back home and live my terrorist life alone drinking coffee and eating French fries” I muttered.

            “I don’t think so! I’m stuck on your ship; you are not going to ditch me because of those damned Texan bastards. What the hell was Starfleet School for? To sit on your couch? I don’t think so!” he paused I had no idea he was so passionate about me doing anything dangerous, here I though he would be happy that I wasn’t out gallivanting around the galaxy trying to get myself shot. “You belong here in your ship, you always have” he is right, for once. For as long as I remember I hated being bound to land or a planet I always broke out of the Academy to steal a ship just to fly it.

            “Yeah, your right, I guess. I am Commander for a reason, come on Mr. touchy feeling sensitive guy we have a StarStation to get to” I said then led the way to MY bridge. Dante always knew just what to say, about anything, and I love him for it, just don’t tell him that. His head will inflate and he will become a gay guy with one hell of an ego.

            “Commander, Lungusta has been found, our course altered, but there is a Cosmo storm heading straight for the station” The Armada navigator explained, good he acknowledges my rank. CRAP!

            “ETA” I demanded we have zero seconds to lose at this point.

            “Within about ten minutes, I think.” He almost squeaked; Pussy. Do I seriously ooze squeak like a freaking mouse when we have some seriously important shit to be dealing with? I don’t think so. I have the confident short nod to Sarg, he nodded back yup, he knows exactly what I’m thinking, okay I might be a tad bit predictable when it comes to doing what I’m thinking. Racing the storm, I have yet to come in second place you know.

            “It will be close.” he stated then I gave him the ‘I’m the boss’ look he sighed. “Aw come on really?” he begged.

            “Throw this boat into hyper drive; I’d rather get there sooner rather than later.” I stated, Sarg groaned and complied. Sorry Dante don’t kill me I will explain later promise!

            We made it, but barley. I heard clunks, clanks, chug a lugs, hissing, squealing, and violent screeching all from the engines. Yup Dante is going to kill me.  We were safely docked and departing my sad case of a ship, before the storm hit, I am a genius. Now I have to admit that one was close. Sarg only shook his head, okay maybe I’m the only commander that this galaxy has seem that would dream of attempting that, let along actually doing it.

            “Commander K’singa welcome to StarStation Lungusta! Food as you know is supplied on us for the three staple meals a day. Snacks are fist come first serve. You as well as your crew will sleep aboard your own ship, if you need anything feel free to ask” Shelly did her usual speak then left to go do host type things.

            “What the hell was that?!” Dante screamed, wait hold everything. He can scream?

            “I was doing my job.” I explained curtly.

            “No!” he yelled shaking his head “you were trying to kill he ship!” wait why did he ask if he already had an answer oh wait it’s the wrong one. That’s it, I will not be chastised by my engineer, I know exactly what’s wrong and I’m going to tell him. Bastard.

            “Yeah yeah I know, my boat will not start because the infusion tanks had a leak, the tanks were probably shattered, my booster jets are fried and so is all power, what else is new?” I asked pissed

            “How in the hell do you know that?” he screeched again a new noise. I shrugged.

            “Well the hissing gave it away, but it wasn’t that hard to come to my own conclusions with all of the clunks, clanks and the screeching, you did drill it all I my head. Commander Gemni also had me run diagnostics by sounds, and he did that one I guess that helps.” He mouthed something, but I don’t know what and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.

            “We are hear so I’m hungry I’m gonna have a snack.” I announced and walked off, Dante being his typical pissed off Dante self wouldn’t follow. He left to go fix his engine room, since it actually wasn’t an allotted meal time I had to fend for myself and cook. I decided to play it safe ad stick with good old fashioned P.B. and J. I cleaned up and went back to my ship and went to bed. Being a commander is exhausting.

S.S. Out.

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