Chapter Sixteen

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(Ajoni's Journal) Entry Eight

I woke up late. Really late. But that doesn’t matter, at this moment, anyway.

Okay so my plan is simple. I’m going to start doing my job and train my commander in training. First lesson: learn your place, learn whose the boss, and learn to have a backbone. I compiled lists. The same lists I had to do for my Commander; Chores to do around my ship.

After that I looked over all of my ships affairs. Money. Crap.  Okay so we need money. I have enough for one maybe two months worth of fuel and food. Problem one: money. Moving on.

Crew. That is another problem. What the hell am I going to do with the Armada Babies? Well, I hopefully will commandeer my old head of departments. Yeah, and they’ll hopefully bring their own grunts, or steal the armada ones, or have us go on a wild goose chase for them. Shit. Okay problem two: crew (lower crew) and getting rid of Armada.

Skipping three for now.

My engines. They are in a crappy condition. I need parts. I need a new engine pretty much. Dante will be in gay guy heaven. Okay so problem four: the engine.

My image. I have decided that I am Commander Ksinga. I have an image to uphold. That involves leather boots, my leather jacket, my guns, and my ships paint job. Okay problem five: my image.

What the hell are we going to do NOW! I have no direction for my ship at this moment. Where do we go? What do we do there? I need a mission, something for my crew to do to piss of Armada. Problem six: what now.

Back to three, Talon. He has brought all of his Gyptain drama with him. Lost princess whom he needs to find for the king. KING of the Gyptains. I need to worry about the royalty issues here. God! So I’ll have to either pay him enough to get a new ship, but back to problem one. So I’ll have to help him. This could solve problem six, but running after some imaginary person is not in the job description. So problem three is TALON.

Seven this one is amazing. Those nightmares. I need sleep so they either have to leave, or I have to learn to function with zero sleep. Problem seven: sleep.

Problem eight, talon needs to get rid of that piece of shit ship because it is not coming on my ship.

Problem nine, Dante is in need of a guy ass boyfriend…

Problem ten. Where the hell is talon going to sleep

Problem eleven…

*   *   *   *

I spent the whole day in my room planning, and thinking. I went to bed early, having all of my plans done. I set an alarm for Eight am, yes am. Gawd I know its early, but I have standards to uphold as, Commander Ksinga.

I had the dream again, it was the same. Same shadowed figure, same end result. I still had no sleep. Okay so problem seven is still in effect. I was up at three am. I didn’t fall back to sleep until 7 on the dot. Pissed me off.

I heard the EEEERRR! EEEER! EEEEEEERRR! Demands of my alarm clock. I opened my eyes. I saw my door close. What the fuck! I jumped out of bed, in my boxers and tank top. Looked out my door. No one was there. WHAT THE FUCK!

“WHAT STUPID CRISPY CRÈME FUCK HEAD WAS IN MY ROOM!” I yelled down the hall. Sarg poked his head out his door, as did the rest of the Armada. I walked out of my room. Some idiot whistled, and Sarg sucker punched him.

“What?” Sarg asked dumbstruck.

“There are only tow people stupid enough to walk into my room, before I wake up, Dante and, well, you.” I explained.

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