Chapter Twenty

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Bolting up straight, I had no idea where I was, how I got here and what was going on. This was not my room, the lighting was different and the bed too hard to be mine, and it smelled horrible in here. Taking a deep breath to take in my surroundings, my head suddenly felt like there was a really bad band playing inside of it. Feeling where it hurt the most, I felt a slight bump. That little bitch.

                “Whatever you are thinking, don’t kill the doctor.” Sarg’s voice came from a corner of the room. Why was he talking about a doctor... BITCH! She sent me to Med Bay! I am going to kill her!

                “Why would I need to kill the doctor?” I answered through my teeth.

                “I was just told that you aren’t very good with doctors.”

                “They do things that are unnatural.” They do! They stick needles in you, give you medication for things that can go away on their own, have access to drugs that can kill you, stick things in you and all sorts of things! It’s just not right!

                “It’s like babysitting a twelve year old.” Sarg sighed and leaned back against the bulkhead.

                “Asshole.” I looked over myself quickly. Nothing but my head actually hurts, so I guess that meant I’m free to go!

                “Just to warn you, Ajoni told me if you wake up, to knock you out again. Do don’t try anything.”

                “Peace.” I jumped over the end of the bed and thankfully landed on my feet. I took four steps out the door and almost collapsed, instead, I held onto the wall for dear life. “What did she do to me?!”

                “She may have ordered the doctor to keep you sedated. You know Ajoni didn’t want you passively suicidal when her engines need to be fixed.”

                “Ajoni is dead!” I struggled to walk a little farther then slid down the wall. I just sat with my back to the wall covering my eyes. She knew the one drug that could do this to me, and she used it against me. God, I felt like I was going to be sick. Just breathe through it.

                “You’re not going to get real far like this, so I’ll leave you here, hopefully someone will take pity on you. Or not.” With that he was gone.

                I felt horrible and I probably looked high. Ajoni would pay for this. And hard. Sucking in a deep breath, I stood up and started towards the galley. After a while I didn’t sway so much and I didn’t rely on the wall to hold me up right. My stomach didn’t feel like it wanted to come through my throat. I might say the morphine was wearing off.

                Walking into the galley, I went straight to the cook. “Feed me.” I watched as she put a spoon full of no one knows what on my plate. “Thanks.” I muttered and looked around for Ajoni. Now, it could just be the stupid morphine talking, but I didn’t see her anywhere, but I did see Talon. I strode toward him, putting my plate on the table and sat. “Ajoni’s bitch, where is she? She never misses a meal.”

                “Okay you gay ass bastard, I at least have an association with her without her wanting me dead, or bashed over the head.”

                “Would you stay out of people’s heads? And again, where is she?”

                “How should I know?

                “You want in her pants… You know where she is twenty-four seven. Now tell me.”

                “I know how to give a girl space, unlike you.”

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