Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next few days were a drug induced high and a blur. In between the munchies and the hunt for fellow geniuses for my club seeing as our population was officially two, we had meetings. Meetings with Captains for Crew trading, meetings with my officers, planning and pooling inventories as well as making that long list of things we need. Sigh is only I was made out of money, had money tree arms, and brave enough to rip my money off my arms.

            I’m guessing Lt took over, because no one came to me for anything, even to ask if I want coffee, hello? I always want coffee. That could be because I’m higher than a hello kitty kite, now I want a kitty, or because I’m not sleeping… Sleep is bad!

The pilot Lt found in short sucks, I swear where did he find this guy? Huh? So much for pilots being in surplus, I bet he just said that so I’d go commander… jerk face. Well no one knows where Iggy is, or went so I put him on the list of things we need to find. I will use my powers of finding people for good not evil! I need a proper pilot not jerky.

Grumpmeister is back on Nav. not that there is anything wrong with that it’s just…. He’s always grumpy see he was pissed that Gemni left the ship in charge to me, he doesn’t like me but he is the best Nav. in all of Starfleet there has yet to be a ship or a planet or anywhere that he can’t get us to, all in one piece. See he goes for direct routes and plays on the crews strengths and he knows I’m the best damn pilot ever so yes he will steer me through an asteroid belt, but I can fly through it, he hopes.

Luci is my loveable Cookie again; oh thank the Heavens for that one. Her cooking is so divine; she can make socks taste edible. She is the best at rationing but not starving everyone how she does it, is beyond me. I asked once and she said when you grow up in a house with 12 brothers and then have 10 kids all in the same house you learn to be good and rationing food without starving them. But not once has she ever wanted to go home.

Sarg is my weapons Tech officer again, in charge of my weapons grunts and mercs. If we sell our mercs services that is. He is also my weapons engineer and he is the one who fires should we need too, and maintains all of my weapons. He has always loved the job. He’s even taught me how to use every single weapon on our ship. He managed to find a couple of ex. Mercs. boy did he face lit up. Ex. Mercs. are hard workers, and understand the whole lost in space so no cash, and the fact that we are all convicts more or less. There is a reason they are ex. mercs.

Dante is officially the master Engineer of The Phoenix not that he bothers to go to the meetings. The meetings are the only way he can get the money he needs to buy the parts that he needs. And to be honest I like to know how the heart of my ship is doing if it fails we can all die, but what does he care? He doesn’t have to worry about the entire ship at all times.

Talon is still my bitch not that he likes the title, but it’s true. The entire Crew agreed a merc. is in no condition to be a commander, but then I said why can’t I train him and then not leave him in charge? They agreed just as long as he’s my bitch and not running around ordering people around unless and unless I send him to do so. So he’s my bitch.

The biggest problem that we have, is not my bitch or the crappy ass pilot or anything, its money there just isn’t enough to go around, I can’t pay my crew, at all, Starfleet is supposed to supply our salaries but I’m not allowed to use anyone communications devices because there are no filters on my brain at this moment. Well that’s what Lt said. We need money and fast or else we won’t have food or fuel.

I am only able to account the past few days now because I have been given Gyptain meds because Lt found a Gyptain doctor and got rid of all the nasty morphine although trace amounts will be in my system for a while, apparently the doctors used so much on me that if I was human I would have died. And now I can see how relaxing deep space is to the soul and mind, well if the pilot could drive. Seriously! We are in deep space there is nothing to hit so why is he so jerky?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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