Chapter 21

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A huge shout out and thanks to purplepandas55 for helping me finish my last two chapters. Hope you guys enjoy it and make sure to check out her stuff! Love you guys and thanks for reading. 😘 this is a pretty big chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!!

-Bre out-

*Bre's POV*
-at the airport-

I hate flying. All because of the fucking security check. I've always had the worst of luck when it comes to the security checks. Just like today.

"Please step over here ma'am," the TSA agent lady ordered.

"What why?"

"There has been an unknown object located on your person. Please step off the platform."

"Unknown object?" I questioned.

I didn't know what it could be. I didn't have any jewelry or anything on me. I did as the woman instructed and stepped over to a separate part of the checkpoint area.

"Please stand with your feet spread and arms out beside you," she barked. Then proceeded to do a full body inspection.

"Woah what are you doing!" I yelled as she press her hands against my butt.

"Mandatory protocal ma'am please stand still," she responded in a monotone voice.

I did as I was told. This was the most violating feeling I had ever experienced. The woman finally finished her discomforting search and ended up empty handed. There was nothing on my person at all.

"Thompson I need you to head down to the south security checkpoint near gate 13c," she spoke into the walkie-talkie on her shoulder.

'Are you kidding me?!' I thought to myself.

Another TSA agent walked over with a hand held metal detector. He ordered me to stand with my feet apart and my arms out horizontally just like the woman had. He checked me with the scanner then stopped at my back. Instantly I knew what it was.

"Sir I know exactly what this is. When I was younger I had an operation done to correct my scoliosis. Now there are two metal rods in my spine. May I go to my purse to get my security check card that verifies this?" I explained.

They allowed me to go to my purse to get the card my doctor gave me. I showed them my evidence and they let me pass.

"You okay?" Nash asked as I approached him.

"I'm fine. Just feel violated. On the bright side it was by a woman and not a man. That would have been bad."

"They would have been sued if they did that."

I giggled at his enthusiasm. I pulled my sandles back on and grabbed all my stuff before we left to get to our gate.

We may have gotten lost a couple times, but thirty minutes, and stop at Starbucks, later we were at our gate.

No sooner than we sat down we had to get back up and get in line to board the plane. Unfortunately Nash and I had seats in different sections of the airplane so the ride ment absolutely no sleep whatsoever! I was seated in 15A and he was seated in 12E. (For those of you who don't know the layout of a plane that's three rows apart and three seats between). Given the fact that it was a nicer plane that had miniature television sets on the back of the chairs, I decided I'd watch a movie. Once I paid I pulled up an oldie titled 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'. It's a really sweet and sad movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp.

I watched the whole movie but there was still another hour and a half left of the flight so I decided to try to get some sleep. It didn't quite work out that well. I spent about an hour just attempting to falling asleep and ended up being woken up by either the screaming baby behind me or the fact that I didn't have a neck pillow so my head kept falling forward or slamming into the wall next to me.

The stupid plane finally landed and I met up with Nash inside the gate of the airport. We went to baggage claim, got our stuff and made our way over to the car Nash rented for the trip.

"Hey it's only like 5:30. Maybe we could go to the pier by our hotel?" Nash asked placing our bags in the trunk of the car.

"Nash I don't know I'm really tired and-"

"Come on! Live a little!"

"But but," I said with my puppy dog face.

"I'll carry you back to the hotel room if you go!"

"Fine! Just so you know I expect nothing less than bridal style all the way back!" I exclaimed sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

~•~•~•~• at the pier ~•~•~•~•

We've been walking around the pier for almost an hour now and the sun has started to set. We went on a couple of the cheesy rides they have here and Nash won a huge teddy bear for me.

It was just the cutest thing in the world. It reminded me of when we were teens and went to the Texas State fair a couple months after we first met. Ah those were the days. When nothing else but the now seemed to matter.

"Hey babe! Come here!" Nash yelled standing by the Ferris wheel that was looking over the ocean.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we take a picture?" He asked pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Ughhhhhh I look awful!" I exclaimed

"Shut up, you know you don't. Look the sunset is even in the frame it'll look great! Just come over here and don't forget to put the bear in the picture," he said holding his phone out.

I held the bear on my side and smiled until Nash opened his big mouth.

"Are you going to take the picture or what?!" I asked impatiently.

"I have to ask you something first."


He pulled something out of his hoodie pocket and I looked back at the phone. That's when I noticed it was on video.

"Braelyn Pippi? Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god..."

University of Drama Book2 (Hayes Grier/ Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now