Chapter 16

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*Bre's POV*
-back to the party-

Hayes came up to me and pulled me over to the side of the room. "Hey I hope that we can put everything behind us. I mean we were kids and we never even dated. We had some ups and downs, but we can be good friends right? I'd understand if you were still..."

"Hayes shut up. I stopped being upset with you two weeks after I got home. I missed you, I didn't hate you. I was hurt for a long time, but I got over it. In my mind we were already friends. I'm all for you and Mary going out okay? I'm not gonna stop you two. Go have fun, don't try to apologize for nothing."

"Really? That's great! I thought you hated me. You have no idea how thankful I am right now," he squealed.

"I think I have an idea of how you feel."

"Thanks again!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"No problem."

He ran off to find Mary again. I'm so glad that my best friend found a guy that she is actually putting through hell to make sure he's here to stay. I have a feeling that he's gonna be better for her than he was for me.

"Hey, what are you doing over here?" Nash asked.

"Oh. I was just talking to Hayes. He wanted to apologize and I told him he didn't need to," I explained.

"Why did he want to apologize?"

"Because of what happened between us when we first met. Now him and Mary are like, really close and he was basically asking for my blessing I guess."

"Wait, they like each other?" Nash asked.

"Yeah. They've been really close ever since the beach!"

"Wow. Brothers usually fantasize about being able to date a pair of twins or best friends. A dream come true!" He cheered.

"Not quite Mary and I made a pact to not date again for at least two months of being friends with the guy. Looks like you both are out of luck," I deadpaned.

"So? I love you, you love me and they seem to be the same way. You can't tell me that it's not like a perfect fairytale!"

"Whatever," I scolded.

He pulled me back into the crowd to enjoy the rest of the night.

*Mary's POV*
-the airport-

As we sat at the gate waiting for him to be called up, I thought about the two weeks I was back in Texas. I got to see my best friend, got to take my mind off Jack, and I got to re-establish my relationship with Hayes.

I have a problem with falling in love. I've always wanted to have the kinda relationship that you see on tumbler. Ugh! Why can't I just find a good guy?

I plugged in my earbuds and tried to make the next hour go by while we waited. My brain had other plans. I spent the rest of the time uncomfortable, and sitting next to a middle aged man that smelled of old spice and hot dogs. Fun! (Note the sarcasm)

The longest hour of my life filled with boredom and hot dog guy snoring in my ear. Hayes didn't talk much so that didn't help. By the time the plane landed and they were preparing to board I was ready to get the fuck home.

"So I guess this is good bye," I whispered.

"Yeah I guess. But we'll see each other again! I'll text you as soon as get home okay?"


With that he was off. "Wait, Mary!"

I whipped back around in place to see Hayes jump over the barrier. "Yeah?"

He ran up to me and pulled me into a kiss. It was the best kiss I've ever had. It made my heart drop in my stomach and beat so loud my ears went numb. This can't be real. "I couldn't leave with out letting you know."

"Know what?" I asked out of breath.

"I can't be just friends. I think I love you."

"I have to go," I said quickly and stormed away from the gate.

This can't happen again. I'm not going to be a stupid little girl and fall in love or jump into a relationship.

I hailed a cab and told the driver where to go. The airport was about thirty minutes away from my college dorm. So if I had plenty of time to comprehend somewhat of the event that just happened. Finally back at my room door I give three slow knocks. Soon the door flies open with Emily behind it.

"Mary! Thank god your home. I have some news. Both are good!" She squealed.

"What? Tell me now!"

"Okay so... You know that cute guy Ethan that's in my calculus class? Well he asked me out on a date!" She said before I cut in.

"Oh my god! That's great! When are you going out?" I questioned.

"Wednesday, but there is more news..." She paused for a split second before finishing. "Hayes left his phone charger!"

"How is that good news?" I shrieked.

"Because you have a reason to talk to him," she attempted to explain.

"No you don't get it! As he left to board the plane he ran back to me and kissed me. Then he told me he thinks he loves me!" I cried. "He's crazy!"

"Um... I don't see how he is crazy. The guy you are head over heels for told you he thinks he loves you and you're crying about it?"

"I can't be in a relationship right now! I can't make the same mistake again!"

"Mary I think you're over reacting," she reasoned.

"No I'm not! You don't understand how I feel! I want to tell him that I want to spend everyday with him but I can't. For my own well being I can't!"

"Mary, just calm down okay? You'll be alright I'll make sure of it. I'll be here by your side no matter what, okay?"

"Thank you Em."

Crashed on my bed I found myself not wanting to stay awake. Slowly I succumbed to the beckoning unconsciousness.

I wakeup in my own twin size bed that lies two feet away from Emily. My morning routine is back in place.

To the shower. Throw an outfit together. Now fix my hair. Grab my books and head to my first class. Take notes. Go to second class. Take notes. Third class. Take notes. Off to lunch with Em. Back to the dorm to study and finish any homework. Pick up some dinner with Em. Finish studying. Once all responsibilities were done go to bed.

I'd be repeating this for the next couple of months. I may go to a few parties between now and Thanksgiving, but other than that I will have the same schedule every day.

My college life is not as glamorous as seen on tv.

I apologize for the lack of quality in the past few chapters, but I'm just in a big block in the story right now. Thanks for reading! Love you guys!

University of Drama Book2 (Hayes Grier/ Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now