Chapter 23

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"Hey Mary? Guess what!"

"He did it! He asked you to marry him?! Agh, I knew he had the balls to do it! I'm so happy for you!"

"Wait how did you know?" I questioned her.

"Do you honestly think that he could come up with that proposal idea? Without my help? Cute. I thought you knew me better than that Bre!" She scorned.

"This is true. Did he come up with any of it?"

"Yeah! He came up with going to Hawaii and asking you on the pier."

"And you just had to put it over the top didn't you? Well thanks I guess." I chuckled into the phone.

"No problem, so when are you guys planning to get married?"

"I like October. My movie will be done in April so it'll give me a while to plan. Plus I just want to have a small wedding. Nothing gigantic." I said plopping down on the fluffy hotel bed. "So what have you been up to?"

"It doesn't matter. There has been something I've dreamed about doing since I was little. Braelyn, will you and Nash have a double wedding with Hayes and I?!" She squealed.

"Are you serious? I said I wanted a small wedding."

"Well guess what it's go big or go home!"

"Nash and I are going to North Carolina for the wedding. So technically we will be going home." I dead panned.

"Well then we will have to go big at home! We can have a smaller wedding, but i mean come on, you'll only be doing this once might as well enjoy it!"

"But I don't want to enjoy the company of debt that an expensive wedding will come with."

"Come on, you, Nash, and Hayes are all rich! While I'm over here as still studying to be a surgeon. If anything I should be worried about cost," She pouted.

"Fine! You'll be doing most of the planning since you're home all day anyways. I'll come over on the weekends to help, but I'll be really busy till April 20," I caved.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" She yelled in the phone. (Which really hurt my ears by the way) "you will love this wedding. Who am I kidding I'll love it more!" With that she hung up.

What have I done.
---four months later---
*Mary's POV*

"Okay well I already made an appointment for the cake tasting!" I barked into the phone.

Bre walked in the door during my conversation with the bakery. She looked at me with a face that only she could make and only I could interpret. The, "I fucking hate this" face. I've only seen it a couple times in the years I've known Bre, but when it comes around its never good.

"I'll call you back."

"Guess whose venue just got canceled? Yep that's right. We are changing our venue."

"They cancelled our venue?! Are you kidding me!"

"Woah who said anything about our venue? God no I'd kill them. But remember how we tried to get that lakeside wedding? Well the girl that had booked before us, broke up with her fiancé!" She squealed.

University of Drama Book2 (Hayes Grier/ Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now